Nov 27, 2005 13:36
*sigh* Another Thanksgiving weekend come and (almost) gone. It was fun while it lasted. Little sister came home, the turkey was good (we cooked it in a bag, which I now recommend), it snowed so I didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn on Sat. to rake leaves, got to see Harry Potter again, got to go to the habachi grill and eat good sushi (it was so good! T_T), and I finished reading through HBP again. A successful weekend, I'd say ^_~
Next up - Christmas. Blah. Christmas shopping is the biggest pain in my butt of the entire year. Plus I've got to start thinking about wrapping up the year in my classes and doing any special Christmas activities (I want to do Las Posadas this year, dang it! I've been trying for the last two years, and this year I wanna do it!)