Crash and burrrrn.

Sep 05, 2012 00:20

I've had such an awesome happy productive week, o flist - I wrote minific for But I'm a Cat Person and Rivers of London! and  fluffy OOC Avengers - but today it all burned out and I'm feeling melancholy and morose.

So! Come distract me?

OTP meme, as stolen from everyone everywhere )

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laeria September 7 2012, 11:07:41 UTC
19 - Show us an example of your personal headcanon

Okay! Continuing with the Mickey/Martha/Tom thing above, I imagine Dr Tom Milligan's family being really old, realllly posh and richer than god. He's their only child, a disappointment in so many ways - bisexual and bohemian and ex-alcoholic; just a paediatrician instead of something more prestigious; insistent on doing pro bono work in crazy work hours and also an amateur Shakespeare actor.

He falls for Martha hard, and she saves his life a few times. She tells him about the Year That Never was and he believes her completely. He's kind of her lifeline when she gets too deep into Torchwood, telling her things about his job to alleviate her guilt and suffering.

Then Martha meets Mickey (financed mostly by Tom's parents, whom he basically blackmails into giving them a saving-the-world fund), and they become freelancing partners and Tom can't ignore the chemistry the two of them have. He trusts Martha, he does, but he can't ignore their connection, based both on shared experiences and a share personal solidness that he never had. Also, he cannot ignore the fact that Mickey's hot.

Then Martha gets kidnapped by aliens and Mickey returns without her, and they fight/fuck/grieve until Sarah Jane rescues Martha. And then the three of them sit down to talk it out.

11 - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom

I'm not in any fandom exactly, and my people come from all sorts of fandoms. Like, mostly I'm only here for the people (and the porn) (and sometimes the meta). So, I feel good about them by definition.

[well, and there's all those other people I don't like but whom it feels good to disagree with and bitch about!]


thornyrose42 September 7 2012, 17:00:55 UTC
You head canon is a lot happier than my head canon concerning those three! But then mine is the fairly conventional 'Tom died trying to save the children at the African clinic he was working in, Mickey helps Martha grieve, mainly by giving her aliens to shoot.'

But I am all in favour of people sitting down and talking there relationship stuff through, it is one of my bullet proof kinks.

I too don't feel within any one particular fandom at the moment. Particularly since there is a bit of a disconnect between me and the people on my flist in squee mode about Doctor Who...

Leverage, I have watched some episodes with my parents. We mainly find the contrast between it and it's English relative Hustle amusing. The American group have fully grasped the concept of take from the mean rich and give to the deserving poor, but the British group have only partially grasped the second part and are very willing to classify themselves as the deserving poor.


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