'sup o/

Dec 31, 2009 01:43

WELCOME NEW PEEPS FROM SOMARIUM \O/! I was gonna do this earlier but I was lazy and...didn't have anything to post anyway >_>;;

I'll be kinna MIA for the next couple of days since I'm out of town house/puppysitting for my bro up here in B'ham and I'll be spending the free time with my boyfriend /o/ But yeah.

UHHHM. Well most of you know me as the head mod of the game but I'M NOT INTIMIDATING. SERIOUSLY. ;___; Mimiru why did you think I was intimidating ;____; Pretty much 98% of my entries are public because personally I find the whole f-locking thing a hassle and I don't normally have anything that would warrant an f-lock 8|a; But I just put random stuff on here. And random yellings about my whole "wtf idk why I'm doing this--" law school app stuff. That I really. Should work on hahahaha---WELL I GOT MOST OF IT DONE /sob.

Except I found this sort of interesting looking job for webdesign up here in the city and I'd totally do that too /ponders applying anyway--

Uh, anyway I'll probably do that RP meme thing that everyone is doing except...I have a problem. I HAVE TOO MANY CHARACTERS ;O; Unless I just do it with my current load rotflmao >_>;; So far I'm only active with 7 of them. If you want the full RP Journal list, see this entry. ...I'll probably have to reformat it later. But yeah, if you anyone wants me to do any of those others I could toss them in? \o/? /has no idea what she's doing fff---

Speaking of reformatting I need to change my profile layout...8|a; and maybe my journal layout. HRM. /ponders. and maybe reshuffling my icons WHY CAN'T I HAVE MORE THAN 100+LOYALTY ;O;

Oh, yeah, contact stuff. Uuuh while I have an intro post of sorts, I don't list that stuff on there do I HAHAHA fail me >_>; Well I'm not that hard to find. Just ping me on mIRC if you go to chat, or IM me on AIM on Laenavesse. I actually do have Windows Live Messenger, but I mainly use it for e-mail notiffs rotflmao >_>; I'm always signed in, but set offline. If you use WLM, you can add me on there, too: laenavesse@hotmail.com. That's also my e-mail.

...Maybe I should actually be online on it more? xDa; IDK I have this thing about using only one messenger thing and I don't use Trillian or Pidgen or anything like that hahaaa. (mostly cos again I use WLM for the e-mail notiffs so...8|a;)

But that's about it \o/

Edit: ...Oops. That was longer than planned HAHA >_>a;;;
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