I said i'd try to update more, so here i go.
My car is still in the shop, they said they wont get it out until next week sometime, right now they are waiting on parts. Tomorrow i start work again, no more vacation :\. I'm hoping work wont suck as much as i think it will. as long as i dont have to stay in the office that much each week i'll be happy. if i'm at 30 hours a week or less i'll consider that a victory.
Last night i saw Slither and V for Vendetta. slither was good, in the context that it was a b-movie spoof type film. the classic meteor falls to earth and aliens take people over storyline. V for Vendetta was actually suprisingly good. when i had seen the preview i thought it wouldnt be very good but it ended up being quite enjoyable. if you have ever read the books '1984' or 'farenheit 451' you'd appreciate this movie. I also bought the movie Fight Club. i still dont understand why it's taken me so long to buy this movie...since it's my favorite.
Just so everyone knows (not that there are that many that read this journal) my website is still up at www.laekoth.com any comments are welcome. thanks again to 021414 (a girl of many names) (