Fic for mesnica: Unwinding (1/1)

May 23, 2006 22:20

Title: Unwinding (1/1)
Author: laeglass
Pairing: VM/OB
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, PWP-ish, very brief and inexplicit mention of Eric/Orlando
Disclaimer: Not mine, and not true.
A/N: Happy belated birthday to mesnica! *snuggles* I’m sorry I’m a day late, but better late than never, eh? :P
Beta: my lovely tularia *hugs*

Viggo sighed in annoyance as he fitted the key on the door. It had been a long day, filled with all kinds of obstacles, grand and small, and he ached to take a long, hot shower and then head to bed. He deserved a break, and boy did he need one. Sean had been right; but then again he always was. A reluctant smile crossed his lips at the thought of his friend. Sean had informed him that he was working way too much, and needed to go on a holiday, if only a brief one; he had booked Viggo a hotel suite in some tropical paradise. Viggo had at first resisted, but when Sean wouldn’t shut up about it he finally gave up.

“Fine, I’ll go, but if the company goes bankrupt while I’m away I’ll have your hide,” he had promised.

And here he was, facing four days of complete peace, rest and relaxation. Viggo sighed. If only his holiday didn’t sound so boring.

He was surprised, though, when he stepped into the suite and heard a shower go off in the bathroom. A short while later a gorgeous young man entered the living room, drying his hair in the enormous towel provided by the hotel, humming some pop song tune Viggo didn’t recognize.

At first he couldn’t say anything. The boy, for obviously he couldn’t have been any older than twenty-four, was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The creature possessed dark, tousled hair, dark eyes the colour of espresso, large nipples that practically begged to be sucked on and a tall, slender frame that was still wet after the shower. After the initial shock Viggo realised that this boy, gorgeous - sexy, his mind whispered - as he was, was actually in his room, and had just used his shower, and apparently he was also drying himself in his towel. That was a bit too much.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?” he asked, perhaps a bit too harshly. The boy started and almost dropped his towel, giving the older man an alluring glimpse of the curve of his buttocks and a slender thigh, and then quickly wrapped it about his hips.

“Oh my god, you almost scared me to death,” the boy said accusingly, and Viggo was surprised to hear a British accent. He had thought the boy was perhaps Italian, or Spanish, or Portuguese. They stared at each other for a quiet moment, and then curiosity got better of the young man. “How did you get in?”

Viggo dangled the keys in the air. “Well, seeing how this is my room I naturally have the keys. Now would you mind explaining what you are doing here? And who are you, anyway?”

“Your room?” The boy looked at him, flabbergasted. “No way, man. I checked in half an hour ago, and this is my room. Look, my keys are on the table. On your right.”

Viggo spied a similar set of keys on the table, and had to admit that the same room number was written in the both key rings. Well wasn’t this wonderful.

“I see,” he said reluctantly. “Obviously there has been some kind of mistake; they’ve given you the wrong room. I suggest you go to the reception to sort this out as soon as possible. I’m kind of tired and would appreciate a shower and some rest.”

”Well I was here first, so I’m not leaving,” the boy said stubbornly, the man’s arrogant assumption angering him.

“Well I just spent ten hours in the plane to get here, so I’m not leaving either,” Viggo countered, and tried to ignore the small droplets of water that ran down the youth’s smooth chest, disappearing under the loosely wrapped towel. The boy folded his arms across his chest and Viggo’s mouth watered as he watched the silky skin break out in goosebumps in the air conditioned room, and those two delicious nipples hardening into tight little buds.

“So,” the boy said and frowned. “What are you going to do, then?”

Viggo very deliberately dropped his backpack on the floor. “What do you mean what am I going to do? Stay here, of course. I’ve paid for a four day stay. What about you?”

The youth bit on his bottom lip and rubbed his neck. “Me too.”

“I’ll call the reception,” Viggo said promptly and dialed the number; it seemed the boy couldn’t be persuaded and he couldn’t be bothered to argue with the stubborn kid. He explained their problem and then listened to a long list of excuses, his frown deepening by the second. Finally he ended the call and slammed the slim cell phone on the oak wood table. “They’re booked full, and this suite’s apparently been double-booked,” he said curtly. “They said they can’t provide a new room for either of us tonight, so we’ll just have to share.”

“Well, there are two beds,” the boy said carefully. “Okay, so, since we’re going to spend the night together, I’m Orlando.” He offered his hand and Viggo took it in his, unable to suppress the wayward thought that while the boy, Orlando, was very beautiful and more so than any girl he had ever met, there was absolutely nothing girly about his hand. It was fairly big for his size, slender as he was, and the fingers were long and slim, and the grip was solid and manly.

“I’m Viggo,” he supplied. “And I apologise for what I said earlier. I guess I was a bit too harsh on you, and it’s not like this is your fault or anything.”

“Oh well,” Orlando said and smiled. “I guess I’d be pissed too if I came into my room and found some guy coming out of the shower.” He shifted a little and the towel that bravely resisted gravity slid lower, revealing more of the male perfection.

“Yes,” Viggo said, but all his attention was centred on the deliciously dark treasure trail that disappeared under the white towel. There was a sun inked in the flat abdomen, and Viggo couldn’t help the mental image of trailing the outlines of the tattoo with the tip of his tongue, and then swallowing the boy’s cock in one smooth go.

Great, a couple of minutes in the company of an attractive young man and I’ve already turned into a pervert.

Orlando who was blissfully oblivious to being checked out in such a callous manner cheerily announced he’d get some clothes on so that they could get better acquainted. Viggo, however, wanted nothing more than to get familiar with the pert buttocks that the towel couldn’t fully hide from view as the boy turned his back and disappeared into the bedroom to get come clothes.

Of course, a holiday romance wouldn’t be a bad thing, but nothing so far had indicated that the boy was interested or even so inclined, and so Viggo decided not to do anything unless Orlando gave him some kind of a sign.

Orlando came back a few moments later, dressed in a loose pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, and his hair was still a wild mess that Viggo wanted to sink his fingers into. Again a thought came unbidden: Orlando kneeling in front of him, his cock firmly lodged in the boy’s wet and hot mouth, and his fingers tightly threaded in the chocolate colored curls, setting the pace of the bobbing head.

Viggo was very acutely aware of his stiffening cock, and tried to discreetly adjust the growing erection in his pants to get more comfortable. Orlando noticed the movement and a little smile crossed his lips.

“Wine?” he asked sweetly, and Viggo, whose throat had gone dry at that hot little glance Orlando had sent his way, could only nod.

“So, business or pleasure?” Orlando asked as they sat on the small sofa in front of the fireplace - trust Sean to book a suite with all possible luxuries, Viggo thought wryly - enjoying a glass of wine and some salty snacks Orlando had found somewhere.

“Pleasure, I would hope,” Viggo said, and this time he did nothing to hide his arousal or the way his eyes mapped the boy’s slender body. Orlando had been sending him signals for a good hour now, and he was beginning to hope that the boy wasn’t as disinterested as he had first seemed. During their little chat he had learned that Orlando had just ended a two-year relationship with an Australian guy - “that fucking cheating bastard,” were Orlando’s exact words - and he had taken a heart-mending holiday to get over it.

He also was twenty-four, just like Viggo had thought, and attended a drama school. He also had the cutest little giggle and the sexiest smile Viggo had ever seen on anyone, and he was aching to make love to the boy.

“If I can be of any help, just let me know,” Orlando said coyly, and shifted so that Viggo could see his erect cock clearly outlined under the denim, and that was all the encouragement Viggo needed.

“You can be plenty helpful, pretty boy,” he growled and rolled the laughing and squealing Orlando so that he ended atop the slender body, between the spread thighs.

“I wanna play cowboy,” Orlando said as he busied himself in freeing Viggo from his pants and nibbling playfully on his lips. “Care to be ridden?”

“Hell yeah,” Viggo said and rolled them over again, pushing Orlando’s low riding jeans down his hips. Orlando’s eager cock slapped his stomach as it was freed from the restricting denim and Viggo’s mouth watered again at the prospect of wrapping his lips around the delicious looking erection and sucking the sexy boy off, but when Orlando pulled his cock free and bent his head to capture the swollen cock in his mouth all coherent thought fled.

Deep-throating was something Viggo rarely got to enjoy due to his size, but Orlando’s throat easily accommodated the long and thick shaft, encouraging Viggo to push his head down until his lips met the older man’s trimmed pubes. The strong urge to just close his eyes and enjoy the incredible pleasure that he always felt when getting head was overpowered by his desire to watch Orlando; he found that he couldn’t take his eyes off of the boy, his mouth wet and shining from spit and pre-come stretched around the thick shaft, and his eyes looking up at him from beneath dark, long lashes. The curls were like silk when he threaded his fingers in the wealth of hair, and if Orlando’s moan was any indication it turned him on to be controlled so, and Viggo didn’t shy away from pushing more of his cock in Orlando’s mouth.

“God I want this so much,” Orlando whimpered as he was fitting the lubed up and latex covered cock in his entrance. Far from being a size queen, Orlando still enjoyed and appreciated a big cock when he came across one, and this Viggo guy was someone who made him forget all about Eric and his supposedly broken heart. No-one had ever paid attention to him as much as the American did, and no-one had ever made him feel as sexy and as desirable as Viggo.

Viggo pushed in just as Orlando bore down, and both moaned as the head popped in through the tight muscle. “Fuck you’re tight,” Viggo grunted through clenched teeth, doing his best not to come right away from the enormous pressure. Orlando’s ring of muscle squeezed him deliciously right under the sensitive head, and the older man couldn’t help the instinct to bury his aching cock inside the beautiful young man.

“Oh fuck, fuck, god, oh god, you’re so big, oh god,” Orlando moaned as Viggo’s cock bumped against his prostate with each passing, and he was hurdled towards climax with such speed and force that he couldn’t do anything to stop it. “Fuck,” he bit out as he came all over Viggo’s chest, catching him on his chin and lips, and as Viggo subtly moved his hips against the swollen nub inside Orlando the boy came again with a deep shudder and a whimper.

“Fuck you’re sexy,” Viggo said hotly as he rolled them over and re-inserted the tip of his erection, which by now was rock-hard and aching, pushing back in balls-deep in one good thrust. Orlando’s legs wrapped themselves around his hips of their own volition and pulled him in deeper, his thankfully short fingernails scratching Viggo’s back in ecstasy.

“Fuck me good,” Orlando requested, and his eyes were dark and deep with desire, and Viggo had no trouble fulfilling his wish. He pounded happily away in the tight, velvety hole, grunting as Orlando tightened and spasmed around him, again, and finally he was pushed around the edge as well.

Orlando’s mouth was soft and hot when they kissed afterwards, and Viggo realised that this boy here was someone he wanted to have in his life, and made the decision, there and then, to do his best in convincing Orlando to come with him after the holiday.

And speaking of the holiday, suddenly the next four days didn’t seem so boring, after all.


fic: pairing: v/o, genre: pwp, fic: one-shot, fic: rps, genre: au, fic

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