Fic: You Are Amazing (1/1)

Apr 02, 2006 01:35

Title: You Are Amazing (1/1)
Author: laeglass
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Viggo/Orlando, OMC/Orlando
Summary: A night of pleasure changes Viggo’s life. And Orlando’s, too.
Feedback: Is a lovely thing.
Warnings: underage!Orli, AU, embarrassing sex talk, unsafe sex, fluff, first VO sex scene I ever wrote *gg*
Disclaimer: Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen belong to themselves. I know nothing about their personal lives and sexual preferences. This never happened. Mark is an original character. He doesn’t exist in real world.

A/N: This is totally AU, so there are no LotR references here. In this fic Orlando is seventeen, Viggo is thirty-five and Mark is thirty-three. If this bothers you and/or it’s illegal to read about an underaged person having sex at where you live, please don’t read this fic.
A/N2: This was written approx. a year ago and is not beta'd.

I was getting drunker and drunker each passing minute and it felt great. “Here’s to me,” I said aloud and toasted to myself, “to the best fucking painter photographer poet in the world.” I downed the drink in one large swig. “Another one, please,” I said to the bartender who quickly gave me another.

“Seems like you’re celebrating,” he said carefully. I had to hand it to him; he was a bright guy. “I still think you had better slow down a bit, mate. Want me to call you a taxi?”

I shook my head and immediately regretted doing so. Not a good idea to shake your head when you’re totally and utterly pissed. Pissed? Come on, I hadn’t been in England that long! I meant, when you’re totally and utterly drunk. Yeah, that sounded better. “Nah, I’m good. And yeah, I’m celebrating. There’s this photograph exhibition at Brighton & Lauren’s Gallery of Art. They’re my pics over there.”

The bartender looked impressed. “You must be pretty good, then.”

I shrugged feigning modesty. “I guess so. At least they’re paying me a shitload of money for it. And, since I’m no longer needed here I’m heading back to States in a couple of days. That’s another reason to celebrate.”

“You didn’t like it here, then?” The bartender asked and leaned on the barcounter.

“I just miss my son, is all,” I explained. That was true; I missed Henry like hell.

“That is understandable,” the bartender said and smiled at me. “I have a two-year-old daughter. She’s my life.” A man appeared next to me and ordered a beer. “Sure thing, mate,” the bartender said and got the man a bottle.

I could feel the man next to me looking at me, sizing me up. It didn’t bother me, though; I work out and take good care of myself. I don’t think I’m too bad-looking for a man in his mid-thirties.

“Hello there,” the man drawled when I turned to look at him after a while. “Having a good time?”

I nodded and sipped at my drink. The man was quite handsome, a few years younger than me, maybe, and pretty attractive with short, dark hair and green eyes. “Sure. And you?”

The man laughed and placed his bottle on the table. “You’re American? I should have guessed. Are you expecting company?”

“Why, are you offering?” I asked and winked at him. The man laughed and extended his hand at me.

“I’m Mark. And yes, I thought I’d make you an offer.”

I took the offered hand and shook it briefly. “I’m Viggo. So tell me, what do you have in mind?”

“Viggo,” Mark tasted the name and smirked. “I like the sound of it. But first you have to tell me something.”

This Mark guy was pretty eccentric, I decided. But since I’ve been said to be ‘pretty damn eccentric’ myself, I decided to give him a chance. “So what do you want to know? I can tell you pretty many things but I don’t think you’d be interested in hearing about them.”

“Are you into guys, Viggo?” Mark asked and eyed at me seductively. I felt a shiver run down my spine. Was he hitting on me? I didn’t have any objections to that, shit; this guy was quite good-looking and sexy. Something didn’t feel right, though. I didn’t get the vibe of him wanting me.

“I’ve had male lovers before,” I answered truthfully, “but to be honest, it takes quite a guy to pique my interest. You know, something really special.”

Mark smiled, looking very pleased. “Tell me, have you ever fucked a seventeen-year-old boy?”

I almost choked on my drink. “What did you just ask me?”

“You heard me.” The bastard was smirking now.

“Well, once. But that was a very long time ago so I guess that doesn’t count. Why, are you seventeen?” I asked sarcastically. What game was this Mark playing? It was quite obvious that he asked me such question just to throw me off balance. And why was he smirking like a Cheshire cat?

“Nah, I’m thirty-three. But if you’re interested you could join me and my boyfriend. He’s seventeen and hot as hell. He loves good-looking, well-hung older men, like you.” Mark was smiling but his eyes were sharp.

I swallowed the rest of my drink. Suddenly I felt way too sober. “Look, buddy, I don’t know what game you’re playing,” I said, feeling quite nervous all of a sudden, “and I really don’t care. I don’t want to get involved with a couple, it’s too complicated.”

“Mate, come on, it’s just sex,” Mark said casually, “What’s the big deal? I just know that Orli would love to get fucked by you and he’s going to be so pissed at me if I let you walk away just like that.”

I wasn’t sure what to think about this. Sure, I can imagine worse things than fucking a horny teenaged boy, but still… “His name is Orli?” I asked just to say something. I wondered if I should order another drink and just drink myself to oblivion.

“Yeah, well, his name is Orlando but everyone just calls him Orli. Want to see his pic?” I nodded and he took his wallet from his pocket and after a moment of searching he handed me a photo. “That’s him. Isn’t he pretty?”

Holy shit, the kid was beautiful. I could only nod in consent. The boy - Orlando, I reminded myself - was looking into the camera with a wide smile on his face. He had very dark hair, quite short, dark brown eyes, olive coloured smooth skin and perfect pearl teeth. My cock did a little happy dance at the thought of fucking this gorgeous young man. “He’s beautiful,” I murmured and stroked the picture with my fingertips.

“He is. He’s also quite a slut,” Mark said and took the photo from my hand. “It seems that no amount of cock is enough for him. Once I took two guys home with me. Both of them fucked him three times and I fucked him twice. He was still begging for more.”

Well looks sure were deceiving! The boy looked so innocent in that picture, almost virginal. There was something sweet about him that made him even more beautiful to my eyes. I met Mark’s gaze and nodded calmly despite the blood that was rushing through my veins and pooling in my loins.

“Okay, I’m in.”


“Orli, are you home?” Mark called from the door as we entered the apartment. He put his keys on the table on hallway and kicked his shoes off. “Orli-baby?”

I, too, took my shoes off and followed Mark. Their apartment was pretty nice. The paintings on the walls were painted by one of the most famous young artists today, I noticed and raised an eyebrow. I had to give the man credit; they were tasteful and really well-chosen.

“Oh, you’re looking at the paintings… Orli wanted to buy those, though I don’t understand why. But hell, they made him happy so I’m not complaining,” Mark explained as he noticed my gaze lingering on the walls.

So Orlando had chosen them? The pretty, slutty Orlando had chosen those beautiful paintings? I had to admit that I was very interested in him now.

“Mark?” Came a soft voice from my left. I turned to look at the speaker and was once again rendered speechless. That picture I was shown earlier at the bar didn’t make him justice. Orlando’s body was lean and slender, yet slightly muscled. He had a towel wrapped around his slim waist so I could only see his upper body and his legs, and I really liked what I saw. Obviously he had just taken a shower, for his hair was wet and dripping, his face was a bit flushed and he looked at me questioningly with his molten chocolate eyes. “Who’s this?”

“This, my dear, is the man who’s going to fuck you into the mattress tonight,” Mark said and wrapped his arm around Orlando’s shoulders. “Orli, meet Viggo, the American stud. Viggo, this is Orli, the hottest piece of ass on this island.”

Orlando blushed furiously. “Nice to meet you,” he said quietly, avoiding my gaze. I found that weird. Was he trying to play a shy virgin? How unfortunate for him that his boyfriend had already told me what a wanton little thing he was.

“Yeah, you too,” I said and didn’t know if I should shake his hand or whatever. Mark was watching us with an amused grin on his face. It seemed that he was the only one who was at ease with this situation.

“Now, Orli, why don’t you go and get our guest something to drink while we men have a little talk,” he said to the slender boy and slapped his ass pretty harshly. Orlando blushed some more but did as he was asked. I looked at his retreating figure and had to appreciate the way his damp towel clung to his slender hips.

“So, do you want him to suck you first or are you only into fucking?” I had already forgotten all about Mark, and was promptly brought back to reality.

Before I could answer Orlando came back with two bottles of beer and a diet coke. He handed the beer bottles to me and Mark and kept the diet coke to himself. “Should we go to the bedroom?” Mark asked and without waiting for an answer he wrapped his arm around Orlando’s waist and started leading him toward what I assumed was their bedroom. I followed them, getting more excited by the minute. Orlando was indeed exquisite.

Granted, I had expected more enthusiastic welcome from him; after all Mark had just told me how horny and slutty he was and how much he loved getting fucked by older men. I decided to give the boy a chance, however… There was something in him that made me want to protect him. From what, I asked myself. Stop kidding yourself. The boy already has a boyfriend and besides, you’re way too old for him anyway. Well, if that was the case, what was I doing here then? Wasn’t I too old to fuck him as well?

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud moan coming from the giant bed that was located in the middle of the room. The sight made me almost pant in lust. Mark had unzipped his pants and taken out his cock. Orlando was licking at the swollen head of his cock, circling the head with his talented pink tongue. Mark was moaning and thrusting slightly with his hips, no doubt trying to get in deeper. I couldn’t blame him.

“That’s right, suck my cock… yeah, Orli baby, suck my big cock with your pussyboy mouth,” the older man panted and looked through narrowed eyes as his rod disappeared and reappeared between the boy’s pink, pouty lips. “You were made for this, god…”

Orli wrapped his lips around the sensitive head and started sliding downwards applying moisture and suction little by little. Mark took a firm grip of his skull and started pushing him down on his shaft. “Take it all in, I know you can… Let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours…” He then thrust upward and made Orlando gag on his cock. He tried to pull back but Mark’s grip was too tight. Orlando mumbled something around his boyfriend’s cock and the vibration made the man shudder. “Jesus Orli, you’ll make me cum in no time if you do that again,” Mark snapped, slapping Orlando’s ass. It was only then that I realised that Orlando no longer was wearing the towel but was all naked on the bed.

My jeans felt very tight right now and awfully uncomfortable. I was very turned on by the performance that was going on in front of me. Orlando sucking cock was the most erotic and debauched thing I had ever seen. I couldn’t suppress a little moan as I thought how it would feel to have my cock in his luscious mouth. Mark opened his eyes and noticed that I was still wearing all of my clothes.

“Come here, Viggo, and get those jeans off,” he said and pushed Orlando away from his cock. Orlando looked at me shyly, panting slightly from his earlier exertions. I unzipped my jeans and pulled them down. At Mark’s request I took off my boxers as well and stood in all my glory before them. Orlando’s eyes had dropped to my crotch and he swallowed audibly. Even Mark looked at it with awe in his eyes.

“Mate, that thing sure is a jaw-breaker,” he said with a hint of jealousy in his voice. Orlando licked his lips in anticipation; probably already wondering how to treat my man meat with appropriate respect.

“Suck him, Orli.” Mark said and pushed Orlando at my direction. He lay back on the pillows, stroking his own cock slowly, watching me and Orlando intently.

Orlando approached me slowly, never taking his eyes off my cock. “It won’t bite,” I said kindly and took a step forward. “I hope you don’t bite either.”

The boy’s slightly swollen lips curled upwards for a moment and his brown eyes met mine. “I’ve never bitten a cock, mate. I’m not about to start now.”

“I was kinda hoping that you would start now,” I said seductively and ran my hand down his side. His eyes fluttered closed and he let out a little, breathy moan. God, that was probably the sexiest thing I had ever heard. My cock twitched and I needed his mouth on it, now.

“Want to eat my cock?” I asked and the boy nodded, kneeling in front of me. I heard Mark murmuring approvingly somewhere from the background. I couldn’t keep my eyes open when I felt wet heat enveloping my cock and a slick tongue mapping the sensitive head. “God, Orli…” I moaned and thrust my hips. “Don’t ever stop.”

Mark chuckled from the background. “He’s good, isn’t he?”

I had to agree with the Mark guy. Orlando was giving me the best blowjob of my life. Right now he was doing what I had always thought impossible; deep-throating my nine inches. His right hand massaged my balls expertly and his tongue was doing something that felt so good that it had to be illegal. This boy sure knew how to please a man!

I looked at him and almost spent myself at the sight. Orli was on his knees, my cock in his mouth, his other hand massaging my balls and his other hand stroking his own rock hard member. His eyes were half glazed and his cheeks flushed pretty pink which told me that he was getting aroused, too. It heightened my pleasure to know that also he enjoyed this. It took all my willpower to gently pull away. Orlando looked at me, frowning in confusion.

“Did I not please you?” he asked worriedly. “I’m sorry; I’m not used to having such a big cock in my mouth…”

“Shush, Orli… You did really well,” I said and surprised myself at hauling him up and claiming his lips. Orli let out a surprised gasp and stiffened momentarily. He relaxed soon, though, as he realised that I wasn’t trying to hurt him. I stroked his back, his ass, his shoulders and everything in between. Orlando moaned softly into the kiss and I slipped my tongue inside his mouth. He tasted of pre-cum and of something spicy and sweet. I almost came right there and then. The boy was intoxicating; I thought I could do this forever without ever getting bored.

“Aren’t you going to fuck him?” asked Mark, sounding irritated all of a sudden. “That’s what he wants, all of your nine inches inside his tight boy pussy.”

Orlando stiffened again and I realised that he had forgotten about Mark and his presence but the crude remark from his boyfriend brought him back to reality. I nuzzled his neck and ear and felt a sudden urge to comfort my beautiful partner.

“Don’t listen to him,” I whispered into his ear, nibbling along the earlobe. “You don’t have to let me fuck you if you don’t want to. I’ll be perfectly happy with a blowjob if that’s what you prefer.”

Orlando smiled suddenly and pulled back so that his eyes met mine. “But I want you to fuck me, god, I want you so much,” he said and then whispered into my ear; “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you, and your cock.”

“Then we had better go at it, I need to be in you now,” I growled and followed Orli on the bed. He sat down and stroked my rigid cock. I moaned at the sensation and Orlando smiled at me.

“How do you want me?” he asked softly, his eyes never leaving mine. “Do you want me to ride your huge hard cock, or would you like it better if you fucked me from behind, doggie-style?”

I moaned at his words, feeling for the first time in my life that I could come from dirty talk alone. “I want to see your face when I fuck you,” I said and helped him in lying down. “I’m going to ride your tight little ass so hard that you won’t be able to sit down for a week!”

Mark tossed me a tube of lube. “Be generous with this, the kid is still very tight.”

I squeezed a generous amount of the clear, slick substance onto my fingers and rubbed them together. Orli spread his legs wide apart and looked at my trustingly. I couldn’t help smiling at him; he was so beautiful and so wanton. I wanted to savour this moment forever. I leaned down and kissed his lips gently. Orlando responded eagerly, suckling at my lower lip and chasing my tongue with his. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I whispered as soon as I was able to talk again.

Orlando smiled and helped me in lifting his legs onto my shoulders. I rubbed his buttocks with my right hand, pleased as Orli sighed in contentment. Then I reached between his firm buttocks and found his hole. Orli moaned as my fingertip breached the tight ring of his anus. I felt my cock grow harder at the sounds he was making and the sight he was offering me. Slowly I pushed the finger further, trying to locate the centre of his pleasure. Finally I found a small, hidden gland and rubbed it gently. Orli screamed. Mark chuckled. “Give it to him,” he ordered, stroking himself lazily.

“Are you ready?” I asked Orlando and he nodded, biting his lip.

“Just… Go slow. I’ve never been with anyone this big before.”

I, too, nodded and pressed the fat head of my cock on his puckered entrance. Gradually I applied more pressure and little by little Orlando’s opening gave in and the head of my cock slipped in. The guardian muscle gripped me tight and I almost passed out at the sensation. “Please, don’t move yet,” Orlando panted. His eyes were closed and his breath came out in short gasps. I tried to soothe him by stroking his forehead with my right palm, murmuring him something in Danish.

“Okay, you can move now,” he said after a while and gave a firm squeeze on my drooling cock. I resisted the strong urge to thrust it all in and claim him as mine; instead I slowly started easing it inside, inch by agonizing inch. This was pure bliss. Orlando’s tight, slick ass around my throbbing cock, milking me with the inner muscles, trying to bend me to its will. I grabbed Orlando’s neglected cock and started stroking it. Orlando whimpered softly as I ran my thumb around the slick head of his cock. “Harder, oh god, Viggo, fuck me harder,” he demanded and it wasn’t at all difficult to fulfil his request.

I started thrusting rhythmically, squeezing and stroking his rigid member, trying to find his prostate. I wanted Orlando to enjoy this as much as I did. God, I had never fucked an ass as tight and supple as his. I found his sweet spot after a couple of thrusts and Orlando shrieked loudly. It was almost my undoing for his inner muscles clamped down on my cock really hard, making me see stars and white lightnings behind my closed eyelids.

I took a firm grip on his slender hips and lifted him from the mattress. My instincts had taken over and they told me to fuck this pretty boy as hard and as deep as I could. I started thrusting almost violently into him, loving the way his guardian muscle clenched around me. Obviously I managed to hit his pleasure spot on almost every thrust for Orlando screamed loudly each time I sank in balls-deep. “Take it all in, yeah, take it all in your little tight ass,” I growled and picked up the pace. “God, your ass is milking my cock so hard; I don’t think I’m going to last long… I’m going to cum into your little pussy, fill you with my come… Jesus!”

My balls slapped against his firm tight buttocks with every thrust and the feeling and the sound was making me mad. Orlando stroked his cock at a furious pace, clenching his ass in order to bring me more pleasure. “Viggo, I’m going to… ooohhh!” Orli came violently all over his stomach, spurting his seed between our sweating bodies.

“Orlando!” With a loud yell, I came too, my orgasm triggered by the rapid, hard clenching of his ass around my cock. I spilled my seed inside the beautiful teen, thrusting through my orgasm, riding the waves of my climax. It was the greatest fuck I had ever had; I felt like I had cum by gallons. I had to kiss him so I leaned forward and kissed his swollen lips, murmuring a silent ‘thank you’.

“Okay loverboy, you had your fun,” Mark said and pushed me away from Orlando’s relaxed body. “Now it’s my turn to fuck my little boy toy.”

He flipped Orlando over on his stomach with practised ease and took a good grip on his slim hips, pulling him backward so that his face was pressed on the bed and his tight little butt was up, and ready to be fucked. Mark entered him in one powerful thrust, moaning loudly as Orlando whimpered at the intrusion and clenched his muscles involuntarily. The older man didn’t give him any time to get adjusted but started a powerful pounding.

“You’re so wet and open from his cock… Yeah baby, squeeze me with those muscles of yours,” he panted and slapped Orli’s ass. “Your slutty boy pussy is so wet from his cum… god you’re such a cock-slut Orli, ready and willing to spread your legs to anyone who has a big dick.”

Orlando tried to say something in protest but was robbed of words by a particularly powerful thrust. Mark fucked him with intensity that almost scared me; almost like he wanted to show me that Orlando belonged to him and was his to fuck anyway he pleased. I was quite surprised when I realised that I didn’t like watching Mark fucking Orlando; I knew it was irrational but I was jealous. Madly jealous. “Squeeze me,” Mark ordered through clenched teeth and Orli probably did just that, for the older man came with a loud growl, thrusting deep inside before releasing his seed inside Orlando. He then let go of his hips and Orli slumped down on the bed.

“You really loosened up his butt, mate,” Mark sneered at me and wiped his cock on the bed sheet. “Didn’t feel very tight to me.”

If looks could kill he would have died on the spot. Looking at him coldly I gathered Orli in my arms and kissed his forehead. “Nine inches does that to everyone,” I said casually and soothed the young beauty by rubbing his back gently. “It would do serious damage to my partner if his ass didn’t stretch to accommodate me.”

Orlando looked at me with a grateful look in his eyes and I smiled at him. Orli was wonderful and most certainly didn’t deserve such comments from his boyfriend.

“Yeah, whatever,” Mark said and stood up. “I’m going to take a shower. Need a ride home, mate?”

“I was thinking if he could stay the night,” Orlando said softly and locked his beautiful brown eyes with the green ones of his boyfriend. “This bed is big enough for the three of us. Would you like to stay?” he asked me. Did I ever.

“I would love to. If that’s okay with you,” I added after a small pause, looking at Mark. He didn’t look very pleased but nodded nonetheless and walked out of the room.

“I’m glad you decided to stay,” Orli said almost shyly and kissed my lips, “I like you. And I loved every second of you fucking me.”

“That makes two of us,” I replied and kissed him back, “and don’t listen to your boyfriend. I guess he was just jealous after watching you and me together, I don’t think he wanted to be mean to you.”

“Yes, he did. And he’s not my boyfriend, we just live together,” Orlando said edgily and sat up, “I don’t know what he has told you about me… Probably a bunch of lies.”

I sat up, too. “What do you mean?” I asked.

Orli shrugged and slid in between the sheets. “Nah, forget it, it’s not important. Come here,” he said and made room for me. He then cuddled up to me and gave me a sweet kiss. “Good night, don’t let Mark bite.”

“Good night Orli.”


I woke up with an Orli-blanket. He was draped all over me; his arm was slung over my chest and our legs were entwined under the sheet. His face was buried in the crook of my neck and his warm breath made me shiver. I couldn’t help smiling. “Good morning, Orli,” I whispered and watched with interest as the boy stirred and mumbled something in his sleep. “Orli…”

“Not yet,” he mumbled sleepily. I couldn’t help laughing at him, he was so adorable. The shaking of my chest woke him up. “Viggo?” he asked, a bit surprised.

“Wow, you remember my name,” I teased and watched as he blushed.

“You don’t let a guy with a nine inch cock fuck you and forget his name overnight,” Orlando quipped and we both laughed.

“Where’s Mark?” I asked. Orlando looked around a bit confused. We had fallen asleep with just the two of us in the bed and woke up in the same way.

“I don’t know. He’s probably left for work, I guess,” Orli said and shrugged.

Orlando made me breakfast and we talked while we ate. It turned out that Mark hadn’t been completely truthful with me the previous night.

“I’m not very surprised that he told you I’m a slut”, Orlando said and sipped his tea. “He tells that to everyone; that I’m an insatiable man-whore who’d like nothing better than getting a good ole fuck from as many guys as possible.”

I blushed guiltily. I had actually believed the guy when he told me that Orlando was a total slut. “So he didn’t bring two guys home with him and they didn’t fuck you three times each?” I asked, just to be sure.

Orlando burst out laughing. “Did he tell you that? God, I wonder what you thought about me! No, he has never brought more than one guy at a time,” he then said. “He likes to watch others fuck me so that he can call me a slut and a whore.”

“Why do you live with him?” I had to ask. “It seems that you don’t love him. And I’d say that he doesn’t love you, either. He doesn’t treat you too well.”

“I have no other place to go,” Orlando said simply. “I have to put up with his little games; he would throw me out if I didn’t.”

“Why aren’t you living with your parents?” I asked, trying to understand what was going on.

“They’re dead.”

Oh god. “I’m so sorry; I didn’t know,” I said a bit awkwardly. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Orlando shook his head. “There isn’t much to say. I was fourteen when they got into a car accident. I’ve been on my own ever since.”

“I’m sorry,” I said again, feeling that it wasn’t enough.

“Thank you,” Orli replied and took my hand in his. “You’re a really nice guy, Viggo. I mean it.”

“Thanks, you too,” I said and did nothing to suppress the smile that his words caused. What was it in him that made me feel like a fifteen-year-old boy all over again? God, I was thirty-five but was acting like a lovesick teenager. “So, do you have any plans for today?” I asked, trying to sound normal.

“Not really,” Orlando answered, looking at me curiously, “why?”

I cleared my throat awkwardly. “Well, there is this photograph exhibition at Brighton & Lauren’s Gallery of Art. I was just thinking if you’d be interested in going.”

Orlando’s face brightened. “Yeah, I’ve heard about the exhibition. They’re some American guy’s works there.. I would love to see it. A friend of mine was there yesterday at the opening and told me that the pics were fantastic.”

I couldn’t help smiling. “Why thank you, I’m happy to hear that.” Orli gave me a blank look so I had to continue. “It happens that I’m him. Viggo Mortensen at your service.”

“What? You’re him? Oh my God, I can’t believe it,” Orlando exclaimed, grinning widely. “I can’t believe I’ve had sex with the famous Mr. Mortensen!”

I laughed at his endearing enthusiasm. “Hope I wasn’t a disappointment.”

“Are you kidding me? Nine inches could never be a disappointment!”


“God Vig, these are amazing,” Orlando enthused. The boy was practically glowing. A huge small was plastered on his face and my heart constricted at the sight. He was so beautiful, like an angel. Orli turned to look at me and his expression softened even further. “You are amazing.” I felt like crying.

“Thank you,” I said sincerely. I didn’t know why his opinion mattered so much to me, after all I had had several exhibitions and art shows and other shit all over the world, and all the critics had praised my works with beautiful words and intelligent remarks. Yet, Orlando’s simple statement meant more to me than all the praise I had ever received before this. What was wrong with me?

I cleared my throat and tried to speak normally. “Would you like to eat something? I know you must be hungry; we’ve been here for hours and you hardly ate anything at breakfast. I know a nice café here nearby. My treat.”

Orlando smiled at me and nodded vigorously. “Geez Viggo, it almost feels like you’re reading my mind!” he said and laughed. “Or maybe you just heard my stomach grumble!”

I laughed, too, and took his hand in mine. It felt perfectly natural. “Let’s go, then. I don’t want to keep you hungry.”


At the café I looked at him; I mean, really looked at him. Orlando looked happy. He kept touching his face, his hair and my left hand that rested atop the table. His eyes smiled at me and the corners of his mouth were curled upwards all the time. Right now he was talking about something but I couldn’t concentrate on his words. All I could think about was how sweet this boy was. How bright, how intelligent, how brash, how beautiful. I didn’t think there were enough words in the English language to describe him.

“Orlando,” I finally said and glanced at my watch apologetically. “It’s almost five. I should probably take you back to your apartment; Mark might be at home already.” I didn’t want to say those words but I had to.

Orlando’s smile vanished and his gaze dropped to his hands. “I don’t want to go,” he said quietly and fidgeted with a napkin. He refused to meet my eyes. “I don’t want to go home to Mark. I want to go home with you.”

My mouth curled to a bitter smile. “It is your home. He’s waiting for you to come home to him.”

“But I don’t want to go!” Orlando shouted and his confused brown eyes met mine. “I don’t love him.” My heart started beating faster. “I love you.” My heart almost stopped.

I tried to speak through the lump in my throat. “Orli,” I said gently. “I am too old for you. I don’t even live here. My home is in Los Angeles and I’m leaving the day after tomorrow.”

Orlando looked defiantly at me. “I don’t care about your age, Viggo. It didn’t matter to me even if you were sixty. I want to be with you.”

“Orlando…” I whispered and my heart broke. How was it that this young man had managed to ensnare me in just a few hours? It killed me to say these things to him, to tell him to go back to Mark who didn’t love him, to a life that slowly killed the spirit in him, but how could I tell him otherwise? I couldn’t take him into my life at this point; it was impossible. I would be put into jail for molesting a minor. And Jesus Christ and all the saints above, what if he someday realised that I was just an old bore who had nothing to offer to him? That I was a pathetic, old man in the throes of his middle-life crisis, pretending to be young again by seducing and abusing a young boy who was young enough to be his son? That would be the end of me.

“Orlando,” I started anew. He looked at me like a puppy that had just been kicked and I knew that he guessed what I was going to say. “Please try and understand.”

His eyes left mine and he shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. “You don’t have to say it, I know,” he said. I admired him for trying to be brave for me. We were silent for a long time. Finally I made up my mind.

“Orlando,” I said seriously and lifted his chin with my fingertips, forcing him to meet my eyes. “Do you think you’d mind being a step dad to a six-year old?”

His expression was priceless. “What?”

“My son, Henry, is six years old. You will be his step dad if you decide to come with me to the States. Do you think you could live with that?”

Orlando laughed. It was an unforced, happy laugh that made me want to laugh, too. His eyes were now bright and I saw two streams of tears running down his cheeks. “I think that would be cool,” he managed before starting to laugh again.

I pulled him into my arms and nuzzled his neck. His skin was warm and it smelled delicious and God did it feel good. “Then I want you to come with me. I have to warn you, though. I’m planning on making you an honest man as soon as you turn eighteen. Then you will be stuck with me for the rest of your life.”

Orlando’s smile was of pure bliss. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he whispered. “I love you.”

“And I love you, Orli”, I said and gathered my courage. “Will you marry me?”


fic: pairing: v/o, genre: pwp, fic: one-shot, fic: rps, genre: au, fic

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