How do you tell the Devil that he's not funny anymore?

Nov 07, 2008 10:40

Remind me next year not to invite Satan to our Halloween Party.

Every year he thinks he's being ironic and he dresses up as an angel. It's the same costume every year. White sheets he's fashioned into robes, those stupid wings he bought decades ago, and a wire hangar he reshaped into a halo and covered with gold Christmas garland. He occasionally buys new Tevas for the costume, which is considerate of him. Wading in the River Styx may make one immortal/invincible, but it does not keep your years-old sandals from becoming rank.

The first few times, it was hilarious, but now it's just a bore. He misses the attention he used to get for it and tries to get it back by horribly serenading us with his harp or just slapping people on the back and saying, "Funny, huh? Pretty damn ironic that Mephistopheles himself came dressed as an angel!" People just kind of nod and pretend to laugh, scared to not agree with him, but it's getting really sad. This year he cornered some poor guy in the kitchen and told stories of greeting the new residents of Hell in his costume last year Halloween night after he'd gotten home from parties. I could see the look on that guy's face, being forced to listen to Beelzebub drone on and on. That guy would have sold his soul to be anywhere else.


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