
Apr 16, 2008 13:15

Why is it that the people I love and want to be with are never the people that are right for me--with conflicting personalities, don't treat me right, can barely take care of themselves so how could they handle a wife and children?

I used to deny that I love these kinds of people. Understanding that it's not a choice, you don't have any control over whom you love and whom you don't, really helped me unlock a lot of stuff that was keeping me stuck. It actually freed me from the power some of those people had over me, but it still doesn't make me stop loving them or wanting to be with them.

How counterproductive is that, anyway, to want so badly to be with someone that is bad for you?! That's pretty much the main reason I don't believe in a micro-managing god or some higher power that guides my life with signs. If I followed "signs" and did what my heart told me, I would be dead or at least significantly unhappy. But will their pull ever go away, or will it ever affect me less? Will it lessen when I find someone that I love that is a good match for me? Do I have to get over the people at the beginning of this cycle, my incompetent parents?
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