Steps to Making Podfic

Jul 07, 2012 11:17

1. Decide you want to make a podfic
2. Look for the perfect fic
3. Find decent fics but hold out for the PERFECT one
4. Read a fic so good you want to read everything the author has ever written
5. Read so much fic you've forgotten you had anything in your life other than fanfic
6. Remember podfic is a thing.
7. Find a fic to fit your voice
8. Flail at how perfect the fic is
9. Imagine how perfect your podfic will be
10. Type out enthusiastic but polite request asking the author for permission
11. Stare at request wondering if it was polite enough
12. Rewrite request
13. Realize the request is too polite. We're fangirls, not CEOs
14. Rewrite request
15. Stare at send button
16. Go do something else
17. Come back to find that you didn't send the request
18. Carelessly press send
19. Wait for the author to respond
20. When the author doesn't respond within five minutes, have a meltdown that they're gonna say no because they didn't like how you phrased your request
21. Pace around your room
22. Take a deep breath
23. Go do something else
24. Check mail to find someone has replied to a comment and try to remember the last thing you commented on
25. Realize it's the author from the fic you wanted to record
27. Calm yourself down enough to read their reply
28. Answer any questions they have to make them comfortable with you doing it
29. Melt when they give you permission
30. Practice reading the fic aloud before recording and sound decent
31. Turn on microphone and stumble over words.
32. Turn off microphone and try again, sounding flawless
33. Turn on microphone and choke on air
34. Cry
35. Give up and do something else
36. Come back and try again.
37. Listen and decide it doesn't suck
38. Resolve to edit later.
39. Let a month pass by.
40. Decide to make a podfic.
41. Remember you've already started a podfic
42. Begrudgingly edit
43. Realize you've missed things
44. Throw desks
45. Close editor and ignore podfic exists
46. Let a week pass by
47. Remember podfic is a thing
48. Become angry at yourself for not finishing anything
49. Furiously finish and upload podfic
50. Realize you've finished and celebrate


(I totally didn't even plan on this ending on an even number it just happened that way)


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