It actually took me a month to record and edit a 7 minute podfic.
Well no. Actually, it only took me about 2 1/2 days of work to make the podfic. but those days were spread out over the month. I started April 17 and I just finished it today, May 16. That is because of this crazy little thing called procrastination.
If it wasn't for procrastination and laziness I would be a lot better off than I am, both in my internet responsibilities and in my real life ones. So I'm trying to take baby steps to get out of my bad habits and I decided the first step was to finish something. AND I DID
My first podfic for podfic bingo! Available for stream and download on soundcloud!
Not So Smooth CriminalIn which Santana’s trip to Dalton doesn’t go quite as planned.