Chilled out enough for a meme

Sep 26, 2005 19:08

LJ Interests meme results

  1. celtic design:
    I have always had an obsession with Ireland and celtic design. One of my friends once said that I was one that was snared by the "green thread" such as it is...the inevitable pull toward the emerald isle.
  2. dragons:
    Dragons represent wisdom and strength....two such qualities I try to enhance in myself.
  3. fantasy art:
    Fantasy art is what I picture in my mind's eye but cannot reproduce on paper....but someone else can and I love them for it!
  4. godsmack:
    I love this band! Even before I found out they were comprised of pagans, the sensual rhythm of "Voodoo" had me hooked.
  5. kevin smith films:
    Kevin Smith is god! Pure and simple. His films are quick, witty, and (yes) often goofy to excess. I love it!
  6. nobuo uematsu:
    Nubuo is a window to the very soul of music itself. The composer of all Final Fantasy music past and present...a genius!
  7. pirates:
    Yarrr! How could you not be likin' pirates matey? Especially the sexy, vampiric kind. *EG*
  8. sarah mclachlan:
    This woman's music got me through the very best and worst of times. She is an inspiration that saved my life.
  9. slipknot:
    I watch as this band grows and matures together and I am so very proud of the boys from Iowa. Their last album "Subliminal Verses" was an amazing roller coaster of styles and emotions. Just beautiful!
  10. video games:
    The ultimate obsession. If I could get paid to just play all the time, I'd do it, dammit. :)

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

But 94.7 still sucks....just so you know.
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