Dec 09, 2007 00:22
so cha wassup me... alot has happened since my last post i got over my ex and now im with this new girl named tara...shes 14 yes i kno young but shes cool....a bit immature but then again what can i expect she is 14. i start college in one month il;l be taking accounting to help my dad out with his plan for an air conditioning company...he does know what hes doing after all he had his own trucking business in new jersey after all ^_^ the only problem ive had latly is that i can stop talking to another one of my ex's i screwed that up bad and i really wish i didnt i still love her she was awesome kind, always there for you through thick or thin...very loving and beyond all that could i ever let that slip away...but thats the past all i can do is look towards a better future....
Live well.... Laugh often.... Love much..a motto me and my roommate Jesse Thomas are now trying to follow always it helps live through life through even the hardest of times