Jul 15, 2005 21:33
Ok this goes out to my beloved friends, me and my friend Jon have been planning to tour across America u kno see the sites and all that jazz. Well i would like to kno if neone would be interested in this idea of mine. If it goes accourding to plan it will happen sometime after senoir year is over considering that all my friend that read my ljs are in the same grade. I kno that the idea of being cramped up in a car, or van for that matter to see sites in America sounds bogus, and crazy as well as many other sords that can describe it but i would like u guys to leave comments on this whether it is good or bad i dont care i just need feedback i really want this to work it has been one of my few dreams (considering im an idot). Even if u can give ideas on what to go see to even just take pics for u i will do it im telling u that im that serous about this. I kno that this is probably getting repeatative so i will end this little lj letter now.
Your friend,
Christopher Edin Oyola
P.s. I kno that that is the first time that i ever really openly said my middle name and that is because im also doing this for my grandpa who was in a hospital most of his life with M.I.(i think thats what the disease is)so this is for my grandpa Edin Thomas Saroza.