Holy shit. Supernatural. No spoilers

Sep 11, 2009 03:16

That is all.

It's like fanfic, seriously. I've seen these plots before. I'm surprised but only by how awesome it was.

Have to see it again!

*glomps darksilvercat* Thank you, bb.

It's 3 a.m. going to sleep. Stuff tomorrow.

Also, about the Twitter thing. WTF, twitter? Jeez. Context, people. Why does P Diddy have more clout than the poor people being called Satanists. Whatever, PDiddyissscaredofhistv. Plus, show has me flailing still.

mishacollinsmademeuseprofanity, post-of-awesome, in recent news, this-is-why-i-should-be-medicated, the-bunnies-are-coming, le-squee-of-joy, bludgeoned-with-unexpectedness, ilusfm, mishacollinsinducedglee

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