Flu, floo, flew.

May 01, 2009 10:14

Apparently it's estimated that Cali. will be one of the hot spots for the "Swine" flu (can I just say how ridiculous I find that name?).

Well, crap.

I'm not particularly worried, but crap.

I wonder if there's a certain group it's more likely to affect like the young or the old.

I'm waiting to see if people will wear masks on campus.

It really seems like a lot of sensationalism. I've not gotten the flu in years if ever (at least not that I can remember) and I'm generally very healthy and don't get struck down my illness. Even when living in close quarters at the dorms with two room mates who are feverish and miserable.

I really should finish my essay. -_-;

please-just-shoot-me, in recent news, bludgeoned-with-unexpectedness, rodney mckay thinks this is stupid

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