Title: Goblins and Fairies and Kings, Oh My!
Author: Lady Yueh
Fandom: Doctor Who/Labyrinth
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my property and no infringement is intended.
Character(s): Ten. Rose Tyler. Jareth
Date: December 10
Author’s Notes: For the 10th day of my
Advent Calender I give you a crossover with a Goblin King as per
erinm_4600's request. I must
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Comments 18
Makes me happy that you liked it, thanks for commenting!
"The Doctor had never resembled a landed carp more."
I'm really glad you liked it.
Yeah, the image of the Doctor and a fish is always amusing.
If I had more time, much more interest in Labyrinth and a hell of an imagination/plot bunny/talent I would write Ten in the Labyrinth but I'm not so I'm left wishing someone else does.
Yeah, Rose giving Jareth love advice seemed to be an amusing (and different!) touch.
Glad you liked!
We're talking Bill Engvall-AWESOME... which is pretty darn AWESOME.
Okay. I can deal with being AWESOME. Actually, being AWESOME is kind of AWESOME.
I'm glad it meets with your approval.
P.S. You're pretty AWESOME yourself. :-)
“I can read desires, Rose. You wanted a bit of a break, while the Doctor really wanted an adventure, especially if it included saving you and feeding his hero complex,” he mocked.
That phrase right there is pure, un-distilled love. <3 *memories*
I'm happy to see proof that people are still reading and enjoying this!
Thank you for commenting!
(Can I recommend Labyrinths and Ladies? It's a pseudo-sequel to this.)
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