Title: No matter how old you get...
Author: Lady Yueh
Fandom: Sherlock
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my property and no infringement is intended.
Date: December 07
Prompt: Mycroft and Sherlock. Prompt: "He started it! It's not fair!"
Author’s Notes: For
casualtheatrics Not Christmassy, but fun all around. Except for poor John.
“He started it,” Sherlock said in a bored, uninterested tone.
“Honestly, Sherlock. That wasn’t a solid defense when you were four and it certainly isn’t now.” Mycroft was all benign condescendence with a touch of smug.
“And no matter how you might try, you’re still not father.”
John really couldn’t take it anymore. He turned to Lestrade, who was scanning through the files he’d brought with him. “I’m not imagining it, am I? They really do act like children.”
Lestrade looked up briefly with confusion before sparing a look at the bickering siblings. “Oh, them. Has it taken you this long to realize that? You’ve obviously not spent much time around kids.”
John sighed. Lestrade was not being as commiserating as he’d hoped. Did he have no compassion for John who was stuck dealing with Sherlock and Mycroft’s tête-à-tête’s on a regular basis?
At John’s sigh, Lestrade tore himself from the paperwork once again. “Oi, who do you think had to deal with the pair of them before you came along”? he questioned.
John shot him a look of surprise.
Lestrade nodded. “Seems they need an audience for their little show. I’ve learned to ignore it for the most part, but it takes awhile. Not sorry to say, better you than me. Five years of it and I’m ready to retire. Have at it.”
Neither of them were deluded enough to think that either Holmes had missed their exchange. They just didn’t care.
“That’s not fair!” Now the unusual heat in Sherlock’s voice caught their attention. “You start international and civil wars for tea! Making a few treaty concessions to appease that brute of a politician is nothing compared to that.”
“Have you tried earplugs?” John asked.
Lestrade didn’t even look up this time. “Sherlock throws things. Aims for your head and keeps count.”