Title: Snow and Reindeer.
Author: Lady Yueh
Fandom: Secret
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my property and no infringement is intended.
Date: December 03
Prompt: Supernatural, leverage or doctor who. snow and/or reindeer
Author’s Notes: For
viresse12 who only loves me for my food and chocolate. At least I made it in before midnight.
Hardison found Parker with her face pressed against the glass of a window.
He knew she knew he was there. And man, wasn't that a tongue-twister. Still, he could only be quiet for so long.
"What are you looking at?" he asked in an almost whisper.
"It's snowing," she said.
Hardison couldn't tell whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. He rarely could with Parker. With her, things mostly just were.
So, he kept his mouth shut and went to stand next to her.
They watched the cold, white flurries fall and dance in the wind.
She sat next to him on the bench and followed his line of sight to the empty, snow covered playground. The warmth she brought with her made him shiver as he became aware of how cold it really was.
She didn't chide him or make obvious observations. She unwound the scarf from her neck and wrapped it around him. Then she took his hands and tucked them into her own.
It was like coming home.
His were far too big to be enveloped by hers completely, but she was so very warm.
He shivered again. She didn't try to drag him inside.
She trembled with the cold.
"Let's go inside," he said.
"All right," she agreed before she took off running. This was after she'd bent down to gather a handful of snow and pelted him in the face with it.
The bright pink of her coat and her laughter were his compass.
Sam came awake with a heart-stopping, breath-stealing terror that something was wrong.
"Hit a fucking reindeer!"