Oct 02, 2005 21:57
Friday ;Awesome day @ school. Found out last minute from Jose that it was the last day for homecoming nominations, soo i did that [ vote me for duchess ]. =) Came home, phone, food, work out, knock out. Then i was awoken by prank callers.. but they did mee a favor cuz it was perfect timing for mee to get up, lol. [ talk about back fire ]. Well i took a shower, got ready, took the whip, picked up Aileen, went to Wendy`s, LOL, we did a great gag as ref`s playing daddy yankee and etc. Went to the football game, and was stopped by a 5o, he let us go though after i shitted bricks. Well the game was a blast yet dissapointment, especially poor home slice Andy who was injured =/. We then went to Dennys with Mo Katrina Paulette Gladys Brit`s Saymar, then picked up Sergio Jesusy Wusy and Camilo and went to the Palace pizzeria. We had free food!! YEY!! lol, then we all plus Monkey and Harold went to Aileen`s cuna and had a blast. Next i went home again with prank callers.
Saturday ;Woke up and cleaned ate crap all day. Got picked up @ 11 by Sammy Giselle Tat and Aileen to hit up Marlons party. We arrived during drama but it was the down peeps soo we didn`t really care. Chilled w/ my Baby Cakes, lol, Chris and Emil, Salserro, Bones, Ariel, Manny, Jose, Alexa, etc. Finally went home with Emil`s mom who took us all to our cuna`s. Whoaa funny drunk stuff is the ultimate, Lol. Got home @ like 2am and talked to Aileen until like 5am.
Sunday ;Woke up @ like 9am, took the car for breakfast @ BK. Cleaned the cuna and talked to Andy. Straightened out the wholeee drama w/ Mr. Chris and it is officially the original "el grupito" from back in the day. YEY!! I went with the fam to ice skate [ blast ], then to taco bell on my block and saw Ms. Kary and Mr. David, and others. Then came home. Now la tarrea. =)
SOO i honestly couldn`t be happier, everything is going PERFECT. BTW my mom totally forgot about open house and my grades have improved and i have a chance @ the mazda rx-8 for my birthday/x mas!! weeee!! Plus only 3 days of school this week and my pops is prolly taking mee and the ladies parra la playa on tuesday!! SCORE!! =D