Auxiliary Art Dump - the continuing reSWAN adventures

Dec 13, 2016 22:04

It's been a few months, let's see what junk I've been stockpiling!

Just several things I wanted to do with Nny.  Sharp nails, some neon, caution tape, road signs...  I was interested in doing him without blood, so I went with neon paint as a substitute, haha.

You should probably just be prepared for a lot of shit in this vein.  This one isn't even that great, though I do like the stars on Nny's shoulders.

I've been enjoying Johnny's reaction to Edgar's increasingly romantic bullshit.  Like he's half terrified and maybe a quarter flattered, a quarter amused.  Thankfully, he is 100% fond of Edgar, so it doesn't matter so much.  Also, eyeliner for everyone.   This drawing was maybe right before I'd decided on the shattered eye makeup for Nny.

Jimmy and his star tattoos from a color pallete meme on Tumblr!  The theme of this post so far is Eyeliner.   This was cool, I don't often draw just Jimmy.  I should, I should draw more of 'just' anyone but Nny (and Edgar), but Nny is good at hogging attention, I guess.

Edgar and Nny somewhere in reSWAN 22 or 23?  I think 22 at this point.  Or at least it's an attempt at illustrating the moment before I actually got it down.  Now the clothes are the wrong season and a few details are missing.  But it's still Johnny very cautiously putting his hands in Edgar's offered ones.

Johnny and Edgar with plastic stars.  I found two old plastic stars on the ground outside the door to the basement in the house I live in, left over from when one of the last neighbors was evicted, and they made me feel just so overly pleasant I brought them into my apartment and planned a drawing of these two with a frankly magical number of them.

Johnny emphatically not listening to Tenna talk about making skin paper with foot shavings from the foot thing she got from the convenience store.

Some more generic affectionate nonsense!  Edgar looks delighted in every fucking one of these things, like there is just nothing that can get this dude down if he's got Johnny attached to him in some fashion.  I may also have a weakness for Johnny sitting in Edgar's lap or on his shoulders or something.  I have no idea why I enjoy it so much, but here we are.

Look how many of these are in even basic color!  I'm doing so good!  Just something sweet and cute.  I think a friend was feeling bad, so this happened to lighten the mood.

When I first decided to make the shattered glass eye makeup part of Johnny's look, I knew I wanted to make a full image of it.  This was my first attempt that got as far as inking before I bailed on it for whatever reason.

This is the drawing I ended up with instead!  I need to be careful with this shit though - shading that's too dramatic on Johnny tends to really alter the perception of his face and I think I slightly overdid it here again.  I still love the concept of this, though, dammit.

Generic singing Johnny.  I wanted to doodle him singing just normally, not as part of a performance.  A thing that happens to them is that pictures like this get rarer and rarer as it slowly becomes other people taking their photos and not Devi.  They all tend to be staged and very emphatically Stage Nny and not just regular Nny.

Image #1 in a set I gave my friend Indigo for her birthday.  Johnny's wearing an outfit inspired by a doll she sent me.  The doll is lacking the scarf and Nny's gloves, but that it is blue and glittery and star themed is all from the doll believe it or not, haha.

And then I thought I could do better, so I drew this ridiculously soft and pastel kiss.   I still don't know what it is about these two that makes me draw them kissing more than anything or anyone else I've ever drawn.  Is it because it's so much larger a gesture because of Johnny or what?  I have no idea, but I've drawn more kisses between these two in two years time than I've drawn kisses, at all, total in like the 15 years prior, I think.

Johnny asleep.

Johnny getting really excited about Edgar's driving when they're driving around like crazy people in the school parking lot.

Edgar and Johnny holding hands while leaning on the outside of the van.   This was meant to be a drawing of the conversation they actually have in reSWAN early in the morning after their first attempt at going out into the world, but it was drawn before I'd hammered everything out, so the outfits are wrong.  It's super sweet, though.  Johnny's face makes me really happy.

I was briefly interested in Johnny having an episode while still in costume, so it would naturally include Edgar still in costume too.  Poor Edgar the worried Frankenstein monster.

I bought a light that projects stars all over the walls.   Edgar's perpetual 'deeply in love' face continues while Johnny sings something.  I love the idea of them having one of these damn lights.  Mine even has the option of making the stars blue and green and I am guilty of putting it on that setting most often because I am 14.

Made for thehomicdes blog, a 'photo' of Johnny with his stolen tinsel tiara on the side of the road after Tenna pulls over to freak out.

Look, it's the other people in this story.  The relationship between these three has been doing really interesting things lately.  Devi being okay with it was a surprise to me, haha.  She's been so emphatically not liking Jimmy for so long, but now she and Tenna are like his weird bros and they all talk together about how weird life with Nny/Edgar is.   They also have plenty of drama among the three of them.  I love seeing Jimmy actually happy, though, the poor kid does a lot of just pushing everything down and forgetting it happened.

I don't remember what I was thinking of or aiming for when I made this, they just look like they're lost in the 90's Paper Cup.   Johnny in Edgar's lap strikes back, though.  Other things I am fond of drawing : barefoot Johnny.

Nny and Tenna with some Fukkin' Donuts in the library talking to Dib over his webcam set up just before the interview in reSWAN 21.

Another generic kiss/cuddle thing!  Surprise, surprise!  I tend to draw this shit when I don't feel great, so there's probably a lot of it, hahaha.

Edgar from a color meme on Tumblr, in the probably the scariest he's ever been.

Johnny from the same meme.

Edgar applying bandages to soaking wet Johnny in a towel from reSWAN 22.

"I love you" as it will someday appear in reSWAN  c:

A bunch of drawings of Johnny.  I just wanted to mush his face around a little.

This one was very nearly an actual kiss, and was inspired by events from reSWAN 21.  Outfits and other details don't match for that to be the case, so it's just sort of another instance of this sort of thing.

Some unfinished bullshit.

Edgar's perpetual love face strikes yet again.   There's a lot of them in bed in this post!  I think it's because a lot of this was drawn while the motel bit of reSWAN21 was being written, so the setting was fresh in my mind.

So there we are!  A lot of color this time, look how cool I am.  And look at how LITTLE I talked, even.

reswan, auxiliary art dump, swanish, arting

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