Nov 08, 2005 16:49
Alright folks. SO I've been working two jobs and trying to get my life straight we all know that story. So of course I've kinda lost touch with some family. But does that give them an excuse to not call when your mother has a stroke.......
Okay...My mother and I aren't what I would call close but geez..she had a stroke LAST MONTH and nobody in the family knew. She decides not to tell anyone because she doesn't want to bother anyone.......
She was in the hospital for 3 WEEKS! Okay I feel bad for not calling more often but apprently no one else in the family called either. Maybe we all believed the no news is good news theory. So I'm mad at myself but I'm mad at her too.
When I finally got a hold of her she acted like nothing happened. She replied with what's the big deal I work in a hospital...I'm like their is a difference from working in a hospital and being a patient!!! GRRR anyway she just passed it off like no big deal...
That bothers me..I'm bothered..