Let's put up something alittle more interesting:

Apr 09, 2005 14:33

Alright...I bought the next two volumes of the Genbu Kaiden and have started reading the second volume...only to throw it down in frustration.


*slams head on desk* Just -once- I would like to read a story by her...where I could actually enjoy the pairing lmao Just once. I haven't even made it to the -scenes of torturous angst/drama- yet...and already I know exactly what is gonna happen.

I was thinking this was going to be different from FY at least in the romance department...considering Uruki's...er condition. But...love knows no boundaries.

But yeah...so far: Love to the Tomite for being basically slapped at least once in both books...and since I have this horrible habit of looking ahead at the pretty pics...points to Uruki for the onsen scene XD That one hurt me inside heh...I dun think Takiko will ever be the same *snickit*

And I think I may have stumbled upon the FY chara that I want to cosplay one day when I have the cosplay freedom to do so >.> Dun ask me her name...cos I haven't read up her part yet...but she is adorable and has a weird/cute little doll that...er...moves.

*is a dork*

Anywho...um to anyone who cares (and cos SAM did it TOO!) Here is my schedule next semester:

3D Design - TR 11-150
Fundamentals of Drawing - TR 8-1050
Graphic Design I - MWF 11-1250
Drawing Composition - MW 2-450
Statistics - MWF - 10-1050

I am not too happy with Stats...but it was last minute choice since for some damn reason Astronomy was -not- cooperating...I wonder if I had to mark Lab and Lecture...but I dun need the lab. *sigh* Whatever. Stats will at least be done and over with. I am excited tho...I have four art classes! I was going to take Art History and get them all out of the way...but it was the same time as one of my other art classes, so I'll just take it in the spring I guess. *shrugs* I am sad that I can't take Japanese courses anymore, but I think that I have a pretty good grasp on the actual language so I can teach myself. I'll just buy Genki 4 and teach myself everything and then hang out with the Japanese students who come to ODU. And read manga and watch Dramas (they seriously help a ton let me tell ya!) and anime in the RAW.

In all honesty...if you can understand the basics of the Japanese grammar and you watch enough TV...you can learn the language pretty easily. The problem is finding people to practice it with, but I am getting more confident in my skills and approaching more Japanese people with questions. The only problem in doing that here in Japan is that the Japanese people think you only know important questions and that you can't speak any Japanese, therefore they speak to you in English...or really basic simplistic Japanese.

Slightly frustrating, but if you keep talking to them in Japanese, they'll catch on quick ^__^

SO yeah...now I need to finish writing my final draft of my sakubun and clean my room since Melissa and Jessica are coming over to work on our Happyo (sigh). So yeah...and we are watching the first episode of Tsubasa! *yosh!* I can't wait...Choutarou's (and Kami-sama *shudders*) seiyuu is voicing Fai. *excited* I love his voice!~~
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