Oct 10, 2010 20:07
Update again...
10-10-10 at 10:10 with 10 friends doing 10 exciting things? LoL Not really, but it sounded good, no?! =D Only one thing is correct there and that would be the date. ;-P
Ok, so I still do not have a full-time job. Some of you may remember that I work 20 hr/mon for an agency that assists exceptional adults in their daily living. I work the SCL-Hourly position and it is with one person. Well, that young lady has applied and been accepted in another agency and county. I am very happy for her, but this means I do not have the 20 hr/mon income. Since I do not have a full-time job and have now lost the 20 hr/mon, I have been thinking about an eventual move to Minnesota. Those who know me, know the story behind that move. My in-laws have been supporting me and Ra for about two months now, so they can take care of the house for us. I have applied for a loan modification, so I pray it comes through and is reasonable.
I did get called twice for a substitute associate teacher (ie: teacher's aid) last week. *cheers* It was for two different schools in the same district. Both were for the Program associates (ie: Special Ed class). It was a true blessing to work in those two schools. The first one was a 5:15AM call that woke me up and the second one was a night before call. If I do not get a call tomorrow morning, I am going down and applying for a sub assoc with our local district. I think I like being a sub although it isn't guaranteed work each week. WHOA! As I am typing this, I got a call to sub again. =D It is in a different school again, too. Guess I will have to wait on the sub application for DC-G. =}
One other thing has changed from the last post in August and that is the living arrangements. The young man who came to live with us has decided that his addictions are more important than a stable life. He had not been spending time with the family (us), which he raved about enjoying when he first got here, and in the last two weeks he has stayed overnight at his friends' houses more than staying here in his own bed. Yesterday, I retrieved my cell phone from him at his work, I have told him that he is not welcome back into my house, and that he can come get his things on Tues/Wed which is Mum & Dad's days off. I packed up all his things (not much anyways) for him and set them in the room he was using. I changed the phone number immediately and exchanged my Alias II for his enV3 due to having to pay for internet services on it. I could pay $175+ for a disconnect on that phone, but just decided to exchange them. Today I found out from my brother-in-law, who works with this young man, that his boss has been bothered by his performance lately, too. He needs serious prayer! Pray the Lord gets a hold of him and takes away his addictions. He had the chance here, but chose to return to his folly (Proverbs 26:11).
Also, my oldest daughter turns 18 on Wednesday. Wow! Time sure does fly!! She also needs prayer. She still lives on her own and struggles with rent and utilities without a job. She says there are businesses wanting to hire her after she turns 18. I pray that is true. She is also ready for college in January. Only one more trip to DMACC to find out what they need from her before she registers for classes.
Thanks to all my friends for their continued prayers. I apologize to those on Livejournal, again... Facebook is just easier to update. ;-P Take care and rich blessings for you all. *hugs*