
Apr 11, 2007 08:54

At work but going home soon. Everyone's telling me to go now but I promised I'd open and then I promised I'd wait for my co-worker to arrive. Threw up this morning. Apparently there's something going around. Other library folks have it. Hubby stayed home last night with an iffy stomach. I had the migraine yesterday which might have been a precursor.

Gods, I feel like shite.

I think I might stop at the mall on the way home and pick up some pepto and stuff like that from the pharmacy because I'd really like to NOT be ill again. I'm one of those folks who is actually terrified of doing that. Scares me to death and then I start crying. Not a pleasant way to start a morning.

I will probably be around and online much of the day, with luck, because there's nothing worse than trying to sleep when your stomach is churning. :P

work, sick

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