Iron Fist didn't last long. I finished it pretty quickly. I managed to drag out the last couple of episodes though, and now I can hardly wait for The Defenders. Daredevil and Iron Fist in the same show... my fangirl heart is beating harder just thinking about it.
Did I mention that superheroes are my drug of choice?
When the new spider-man trailer was released today I was tagged in it by a friend with this amazing gif of Stitch just pointing and stating that "yes, this is my fetish!" I laughed, some people just know me to well...
The trailer was excellent too. Spider-man... would you believe it, Marvel managed to get me excited about yet another Spider-man movie. Tom is just perfect for the part. Perfect!
Had a late lunch date with Eliin today, we try to have these after work cafe dates at least every other week, to just get out of the house and be a bit sociable. Some salad, coffee, cake and girl talk later we both felt better and then I could go home and play board games with her brother.
We're still playing Anachrony (my newest addition), and trying to get better at it. This was my third game, and I've never played it worse. I was not ready for the race I was playing at all. Good game, mega loss.
A couple of weeks back I just decided it was about time to stop talking about getting a new tattoo and just do it. So I did.
Actually, I got two. Because one of them is so small, I didn't want to book an appointment just for that one.
My Harry Potter stars. Or just some nice stars on my wrist. I like them.
And this, my Peter, my beautiful minimalistic Peter. I love this one.
I adore the color in (and around) the feather.
I'm one of those people whose tattoos makes me less cool. Being that nerd stuff is generally not considered "cool", I'm the one with a Tetris piece on my arm and a BB-8 on my neck. There is no "cool" for me, and that's ok.
New episode of Riverdale this week. Excuse me while I go squee in joy for a while. :)