Sep 29, 2005 22:45
One of the dogs died the other night.
David thought it would be a good idea to tell me this while I was in the middle of closing.
Not so good an idea.
I loved that dog. Even though technically it was his dog, she became mine when I was the one who cared for her when she was hurt or had to go to the emergency clinics.
David seems to think she was dead for a full day.
I... I wish I hadn’t been working. I should have known and yet I didn’t.
David seems to recall that Missy had been choking on something while she got loose and tried to help her before putting her back and then Dad took her back. Whether she was choking still or not David didn’t know.
And... I think with what little I do know ... for some reason I feel the need to blame dad.
I... wish I wasn’t working when it happened.
I shouldn’t be pointing fingers. I know I shouldn’t... but something inside me just wants to lash out at him or anyone. Even myself.
But... I’m going to refrain and mourn over her death. Remember her. She’s gone.
I loved that dog. She was such an innocent little thing. Always hungry. Whenever you tried to pick her up she’d roll her heavy self to her back so you could rub her tummy instead.
She was part schnauzer and something else. We never knew... but she was just lovely. Dark brown coat... sparkly brown eyes. Lovely.
I hope where ever you are Missy... that you are relaxing in the sun like you loved, chewing on a dog bone... and may you roll over on your back, wagging that shaggy tail as your new master approaches.