What has to happen; what can slide

Sep 26, 2016 12:49

Going to be a busy week this week.
Today, Mark met w/ a surgeon to schedule having his gallbladder removed. That'll happen Friday. Thank everything for his company's decent health insurance and vacation/sick leave policy.
Pinged Mom to see if she'd be available to look after Dae while I'm shepherding Mark to and from that. She is. Lady is infuriating as hell sometimes, but then she turns round and is exactly the necessary support. I'm as glad for the one as I am vexed by the other. Life.
Tomorrow, Mark goes to see an internist (or w/e the appropriate title is) about scheduling a colonoscopy--nothing's specifically wrong, but given his health history, our GP wants a baseline for his normal. THAT's going to have to wait till halfway through October, probably, but hey.
Wednesday...so far nothing's on the books for Wednesday.
Likewise Thursday, except that Mom arrives.
And then Friday.
And then at least a week of recovery before he's cleared to go back to work, possibly involving more doc visits.

I'm so fucking glad he's finally taking care of his health.
I'm so fucking daunted by the idea of being The Adult instead of *an* adult, while he's down.
But I can do it. And he knows it.
The laundry may not get done quickly, and the dishes may slide, and groceries may become a shop-daily thing.
But we'll make it.
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