Kissing in the Rain

Mar 20, 2014 15:24

I have stumbled across something that I think you may adore (if you haven't found this already through aggiebell90 or rumpelsnorcack).

It's called 'Kissing in the Rain' and it is a series of short videos about James and Lily, only it's completely AU, twisty, and there are characters within characters. The premise is that there are two actors named James and Lily who keep getting cast as romantic leads, but really don't like each other so much (well, sort of--James is James and Lily is Lily).  Right now there are two episodes and will be a total of eight (with four more later that will focus on a different set of characters who are not Lily and James) all airing on Mondays.

image Click to view

The director was an active HP fan who wrote James/Lily fanfiction before she became a director. She is also sponsoring a fan canon experiment which you can read about here: and read the fics and art that have be turned into canon here or here

It is so interesting to see how the world of new media, fandom and classic characters are intersecting and evolving.

lily and james, shipwrecked comedy, kissing in the rain, new media

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