Meme from Nundu!

Nov 20, 2008 10:44

Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence along with these instructions on your LJ.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Ok, so the closest book to me is "A Table full of Welcome" which is a cookbook on Kansas City's 'culinary diversity' . Does this count? Page 56 is a photograph (!), but here is the fifth line on page 57 instead:

'The neighbor ladies are sisters and retired, which gives them lots of time to perfect their povitica, a Croatian nut bread that has become as much associated with KCK as Strawberry Hill."

If a cookbook doesn't count (which I'm sort of suspicious that it doesn't!), then here is an actual book which a I just received second-hand through the mail.

'Autumn Term' by Antonia Forest. I have not read any of it yet. Here's the fifth line on p. 56:

'Most of you know why it is that you're behind with your work--Hazel was away nearly all last term with whooping cough, Elaine missed a lot last year through her brothers getting mumps--and the rest of you have equally good reasons." idea what that's about, except that it appears several people have missed school due to illness. lol.

Oh, and btw if you ever have a chance to sample povitica bread I urge you to do so -- it's truly divine.

Thanks for the prompt, Nundu! That was fun.
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