I just don't get it!

Apr 22, 2009 01:35

I've created the I Just Don't Get It meme because it's 2 in the morning and I'm (unfortunately) still awake.

Write a list of things that you doubt you will ever understand no matter how long you live. They can be either humorous or serious. Hopefully your f-list will be able to answer some of them. Discussion is welcome.

1. Why does the bread ALWAYS land peanut butter side down?

2. Why is it I can brush the cats for 30 minutes and they will still leave their fur all over the place? *considers shaving Julie and Jefferson*

3. Why do people who are against abortion often make snide/abusive comments about single mothers?

4. How is it that after I get new tires on my van, I can always find the one bent nail in the garage parking lot?

5. How can someone be pro-hunting but anti-environment?

6. If the plural of goose is geese, why isn't the plural of moose meese?

7. Where exactly to all of those missing socks go? I believe in the Sock Monster.

8. Why is it kids will listen to advice when they're sick (drink this, go to bed, take this) but grown men will whine and complain until they force women to put them out of their misery?

9. Why hasn't the self-cleaning house been invented? I'd buy one, sincerely.

10. If men are so much tougher than women, why aren't they the ones giving birth?

If anyone can answer these questions I might be able to sleep better.


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