Dec 27, 2005 03:13
Hmmm.... haven't updated in quite a while. Lets see, I had a wonderful Christmas. God has truly blessed me with a wonderful family and totally awesome friends!! (thankfully not all of them have changed) =) Anyways, my parents are getting me a laptop for Christmas/ Birthday! How awesome is that?? I'll be able to take it to college and everything.
I hung out with Jared and his family. I don't know how we are anymore. And as one of my wise friends have said. "I have reached a new level of paranoia since he broke up with me." I am only thinking about me. I want to be respected, loved, supported and unconditionally cared for. If Jared isn't the one for me, and i for him, then I know we'll both meet someone who'll understand us better, and be able to be everything we need. I know God will take care of me, through my friends and the acts of others. Everything happens for a reason. If it doesn't work out, then my first relationship meant something that was close to love, but not quite. It could be just a learning experience.
I just don't know what to do. I can't leave happy for happier, for fear that it might not work out, or be there at all. < words of another friend who i miss terribly >
c o n f u s i o n
it slithers through my whole body, disrupting my thoughts with uncertainty. it leaves me weary and hungry for what i know isn't there. i need to go out in the woods and relax for a while. CLear my mind, maybe the answer will be waiting for me in the ground or in the tree tops. Perhaps the rain, he's helped before.
Well, I'm up WAAAY past my bed-time. Oh yeah, almost forgot, I don't have one anymore! 18 BABAY YEAH! he he he yeah, nothing too cool, only thing is, now i can vote and buy lottery tickets. Not worried about anything else.
Hmmm.... Well, I'm beyond sleepy, i'm at the point of mental and physical exhaustion. Shouldn't rack my brain so hard, might knock something loose. lol Then I'd really be screwed, he he he.
Goodnight to all of those who are missing something. Goodnight to all of those who have everything, and goodnight to those who has everything but are still missing something. May you find what you need.
Sweetest Dreams to All.
Thank you God for all I have and everything else I'm missing.
From the bottom of my heart and innermost part of my soul, Larael A. Copper*