Jun 08, 2005 17:54
Hola everyone. It's been a while since I last updated anything at all. I would like to tell everyone that I am slowly building up my non-existant confidence!!! yay! woohoo, hoo-rah and what not. I just got back from the University Mall with Kimay. It was so much fun! =D We went to every store and I got Jared a present! I hope he likes it. >.<
We just got back and I got Dominick to let me borrow one of his many movies. The New Guy!!! Yay! I really like that movie. So funny!
Anyways, Here's all that I got. *Ehem* I got this coolio prettyful shirt thats blue and black(best colors EVER). I got three necklaces, one of which will be given to my super-hot boyfriend as well. I also got two buttons for my bag. Blue and black bracelets to match with my shirt. A bullet pin thing. And I do believe thats all... Can't think of anything else.
I have to go to a youth group meeting tonight! It should be fun, even though I'll be horribly alone. Eh`. Nothing can screw up this day! *knocks on wood hurriedly* he he he
Well, I really am out of thoughts as to what to put in here. Talk to everyone later!! Rock on, Rock Hard, Rock lives On!!
*muah huggz* Larael