May 01, 2008 10:48
Ok, you'll never quess where I am. Oh yes, in school!! And I came here 8:10 AM. If I was part of the average Finnish folk I'd feel terrible. Now I'm just a bit tired.
Yeah, yesterday was quite nice. Horse clinic was like drinking tard while walking in the swamp as always. (I'm still trying to figure out how a place full of horses you can hug any time you want can be so distressing). After school we (me and Rosa) went to Kaisaniemi to put bandages to Mare And Foal -statue like the rest of the vet students. We met Katri and Sys there and some roleplay-friends of Katri (meaning that she knows them from roleplaying society, not that they are roleplaying to be her friends). We sat there in the sun and talked nonsense.
Then Sys went home, Katri went to Kontula to some party and me and Rosa met Rosa's brother and some of his biology-friends in Moose-statue in Kaisaniemi. They thought that they would put a hat to that moose this year but all the other biology-people were on the Moose-statue in front of The Museum Of Nature Sciences. So, we went there.
And we met Ulla. And her boyfriend. And one complete asshole of a male she has a huge crush on (has had for ages) and who doesn't give a damn about her feelings or faithfulness in any direction. So there were a dissaster in the air since her boyfriend had to leave at some point and she was quite drunk. I couldn't care less but Rosa did. I think we got rid of the asshole at some point telling him that we would go to Onnela and then took Ulla and left for Inferno instead. (I actually didn't go to Inferno since I don't to bars).
I met my old highschool friend at the moose statue. He seemed positively suprised to meet me. We talked a lot about old friends and stuff. It's a bit scary to hear that almost all of our highschool classmates have married some other highschool classmate and some have kids. Talking about small circles. Of course, I'm not an exception... I got an invitation for weddings of one of my old schoolmates. The wedding will be in Kesälahti which is about 30 km from Kitee (where I will be at that point). Yay!
So yeah, the evening was quite nice. Now I just wait to get out so that I can meet Katri again somewhere.