It's the small things in life...

Jun 07, 2009 23:38

So Sunday through Wednesday I take my leisurely time getting out the door for work. Eh, it's ok if I'm 10 minutes or so late. I put in my two weeks notice, what are they gona do, fire me? But today, for some unknown reason, I felt the urge to go in to work...a whole 20 minutes early. *gasp* It was the weirdest thing. I got in my car, looked at the clock, and said "wow...I've never done THIS before" but decided it would be nice to drive the speed limit for once and just cruise to work.

I took a few back roads, as usual, to avoid the traffic. Just as I was approaching my final light to merge onto the major road, I see a little black ball in the street. Upon coming at it closer (about 45 mph), I realize it's a turtle. I hit my brakes pretty hard to make sure the car behind me doesnt hit the poor thing too. He avoids the turtle too. It's just the two of us on this road. I get to the light about 30 feet away. The turtle is right next to the other car, behind me. I glance up in my rear view mirror and pray that the man will get out and pick up the turtle and put it in the grass on the other side of the road. I watch him as he opens his door, looks down at the turtle for a good 5 seconds, and closes his door. FUCK, I think to myself. You have two choices, christine. You can sit in your car and think oh well, not my life, too bad, he's on his own. Or you can throw your car into park, get out, and make a difference.

Anybody that knows me knows I'm not a big animal person. I'm scared of everything, lol. Cats, dogs, sure. Lizards, iguanas, turtles, no thanks. They creep me out. But something literally TOLD me to get up out of my car and save that turtle. I sat there for a second, took a deep breath, threw my car into park, threw off my seat belt, and ran into the street, leaving my car door wide open, purse, etc. I approach the turtle and it slowly pulls his head and arms inside his shell. He's black, about 12 inches long, and a nice hearty 10 inches wide. Now or never, Christine. DO IT. I reach down, hoping turtles dont really snap your fingers off, and the freakin thing starts to HISS at me. I'm like oh GOD...but I pick it up anyway and start walking fast across the street into the grassy field. I set him down way past the sidewalk, hoping he wont turn around and try to go back into the street. I look up and realize my light has long turned green, but people in their cars across the street are watching me save this turtle. I start running back to my car. The old man behind me thanks me. I finally get to my car and I'm just trembling. What an amazing feeling to do something so simple, take a few seconds out of my day to save that turtle's life. And not only that, but set an example for that older man who shrugged and said "oh well, not my problem".

I was so moved, so happy, I just starting smiling and crying all at once. Why can't we all just care? For each other, for animals, for all life, for our earth. Why do we not do things out of love and for others if they do not directly benefit us? How have we grown so cold?

Then I started to think. What if I hadn't left early?

I stopped to get some gas about 5-10 minutes later. As I pull out of the gas station, the light turns green and I glance to my right and see a car with the license plate "turtle" with a save the turtles license plate with the swimming turtle in the middle ( ). I'm like oh man,...if that isnt a sign or some sort of wonderful coincidence...

Signs. First I started seeing red cardinals. Everywhere. Swooping in front my car while driving. Three of them lined up by my house as I walk the dog. Just in odd locations just screaming LOOK AT ME. Now turtles...hmm. I just looked up what the red cardinal and turtle symbolize online. The signs are all around us. How much are you paying attention to them?
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