Day 7: July 27, 2010
One week ago today, I started my Lemonade Master Cleanse diet and, since then, I haven't had a single bite to eat. All things considered, I would be in a fantastic mood if I could at least see some difference in myself physically. Consequently, I've begun to fear coming off of my fast, which will last ten days (not counting the three day Ease-Off Program). Still, after those remaining days, I will eat 360-500 calories on a daily basis. So hopefully, that won't do much against me. Keeping my fingers tightly crossed!
I'll be keeping count of my calories consumed here once these days come around.
And still, I'm trying to keep myself on the positive side. I've found that being negative really puts a stepping stone in the way of a diet or a fast. The more I put myself down, the more my mind thinks, "what's the point?" and then before I know it, I'm not fasting anymore, or I'm no longer passing up a cupcake or a full meal. So, how do I keep positive after a week of dieting and not noticing any results? I keep in mind that I've gone an entire fucking week without eating and there is no possible way that I won't notice something sooner or later.
So, take that period bloating and B-cup chest! Staying positive and seven days strong!
Oh, and on a side note, I've noticed that I started this fast the day that Lindsay Lohan went off to jail. So, a good thing linked with a bad thing, I guess. Perhaps I'll stop once she gets let out and reverse the order- a bad thing linked with a good thing (which is my actually consuming food again).
CW: 117
GW: 100
And I know have a fasting partner. By August 26th, I will have reached this goal- I know it!
xo -Vonne
P.S. Though it's only the beginning of the seventh day (the Holy Day) I will update if I've been a bit deviant- though I doubt that's going to happen today. No way am I going to break a fast after seven days!