p. 724
History of the Valerius Clan and its Crest
-by Seneca Rawiya
The Valerius Clan had existed even before the first of the known ancient civilizations were established. Basically, they had been the first organized settlement in history. Not that they wanted it to be public knowledge.
The Valerius line had always been considered powerful among the other clans, but during the rise of the Roman Empire, Lord Elric Valerius exposed himself publicly to the mortals, revealing the existence of vampires to the Mortal Realm. This caused quite the stir, for many of the immortals were against the idea of forming a 'friendship' with the commoners whose days were numbered.
Lord Elric met with the Senators of Rome and discussed with them strategic and tactical plans, earning the respect of many leaders, most especially Julius Caesar, a mortal dictator. Because of this act, the Valerius Clan grew stronger with the help of the mortals. And yet, because of this act, many vampires turned against the Clan.
Lord Brennus Vitalia declared war against Clan Valerius, and many who joined were killed, though they were mostly the mortals that wanted to help the good Lord Valerius, who had done so much for them in the past. Lord Elric was one of the fallen, killed by Lord Brennus' heir, Creduan, after slaying the boy's father.
Lord Marcus Valerius, the current head of the Clan Valerius and also known as The Beast for his ruthlessness in battle and unmerciful way of killing, slew Creduan, but spared Creduan's twin sister Maeve and her younger brother Orad. Lord Marcus took Lady Vitalia as his mate and welcomed Orad, his bride, Gean, and Vidar, their son, into his clan.
Valerius Crest The Valerius Crest is in the form of a pentacle. Records show that throughout history, they have been carrying the symbol even before it was used in witchcraft. Thus, if ever the need arise, they may claim it, or copyright or patent it, as their own, and no one may complain, or use the symbol ever, without official permission from Lord Valerius.
The symbol differs depending on the task that is given to a Clan member:
pentacle with a caduceus in front of it symbolizes a specialty in healing.
pentacle with runic symbols means that you are a warrior, a soldier of the Clan.
trefoil pentacle tells everyone that you are a member of the Council of Thirteen. A high honor indeed.
triknot pentacle can only be carried by a family member of the Valerius line. Anyone who is found with a triknot pentacle that is not a member of the family will be punished severely for disrespecting the family.
celtic pentacle is worn during a time of mourning. Wearing it is a sign of grief.
woven pentacle is worn during the month of marriage and bonding.
There are many other symbols to take into consideration, like the hunting pentacle, which has different animal heads for each season of a hunt. And there is also the
grimoire of a vampire, which is the 'rule book'.
*Note: This was written as a guide for the readers of
Harry Potter and the Children of the Night. None of the pictures are mine, they were taken from
Wiccan Jewelry Emporium and Celtic Copper. Once again, this article was made to help the readers have a better understanding of the story. It was made purely for entertainment.
Thank you.*
-Lady Nichola Valerius