That makes it official. I am never speaking to anyone ever again.
Who the hell would murder the Joey Flynn?
[edit] 3:28am
Honestly, I didn't care. It didn't affect me at all. So another one was dead. Big deal.
But I just went to their Myspace, and I'm hearing Joey sing, and I'm crying my eyes out.
He was so cool. He was so beautiful. He was always laid back.
I remember seeing him live in Buffalo Grove, and thinking as I drove away "I'm going to do whatever I can to be like him."
My phone is filled with people... I have about 200 numbers in there. All something like MySpace Brian or KG or Justin Lover... but he was in there as JOEY FLYNN!!
I remember KG laughing when she saw it at her antiprom.
"Oh my gawsh, Marni. Joey Flynn's in there with all caps and like.. a million exclamation points..."
I was so excited to get his phone number.
Haha... I smiled so hardcore when he showed up at that open mic... and then told Leah that he thought I had an "amazing voice." I know he was stoned, but I mean... Joey Flynn said that I had an amazing voice. Joey Flynn... the Joey Flynn!
Then sitting in the starewell with Kara...
"Joey, I'm a guitar. Strum me.
Joey, I'm a clarinet. Blow me.
Joey, I'm a drum, Pound me!"
I joined SFJ just so I could stare at him...
I still blush when I think about him.
He was the definition of cool.
And now he'll always be cool.
He's a legend.
Joseph Allan Flynn
February 15, 1986-November 27, 2005