May 12, 2010 23:50
Just finished the s4.5 specials. I was well-primed for Matt Smith, having watched the first 3 episodes of s5 before starting from the Eccleston run, but all the hours put in with Tennant have really taken it's toll.
It's 11:45 PM, so my thoughts will be brief for the moment. Basically-- Tennant is a joy to watch and he had such a lot of room to mess about as the Doctor, something I think his new possible pilot won't allow, which is a shame. But like the best actors, he's magnetic.
However, the last goodbye to Ten had its moments but it never quite managed to feel like a complete story. The Master, once the most enjoyable villain of the series, became overly manic and ceased to be a threat. The final endings, a la The Return of the King, just stretched too long. But you have to hand it to Ten's last line. A poignant note to end upon.
The final speech of Water of Mars promised great things for the finale of Ten, it didn't deliver but I'll miss Tennant all the more dearly nonetheless.
doctor who,