today was a good day. B Love came over. I miss that kid so much. He's still a little crusty...who i might add got his license AND works construction, which if you new him is a little strage. I'm going to try to get himto be my new roommate. He's the only person I can stand, plus we can try to work on a band again.
One of my old Winchester buddies called me up today too. He's in the same boat I am. No more friends here other then like one. Winchester sux so much ass now.
Man, i'm bored. And i hope Milk isn't pist at me cause I said I didn't like that black cat band. I just don't think they're that good. I understand there doing show swapping, but that shouldn't fuk anything up cause I don't like them, you know. Oh, and Milk I'm trying to work on getting youa show here. Loyd i guess got beat up by a band he booked and doesn't come around anymore so this other guy is booking now, and i really don't know him, but someone on euegen wants to show swap. So hopefully I can get you guys here soon, and you know you got a place to stay.
Well. My neck hurts. BLAH
Hank Williams... you're fucked up on drinks, pills
and a broken heart. You'll die young and wild,
but influence more people than you could ever
imagine. If it wasn't for you, rock n roll
would be nothing more than benign and insipid.
Which fucked-up genius composer are you? brought to you by