FIC: The Tale of Two Doctors (Doctor Who)

Feb 21, 2008 20:36

Title: The Tale of Two Doctors
Category: Doctor Who
Author: sensiblecat
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairings/Character: Rose/Doctor (10), Doctor (5), Jack & Martha,  Also mentions of other companions
Spoilers/Warnings: The Fifth Doctor's run, First 3 seasons of New Who. "Time Crash" special
Author's Summary: At the end of Time Crash the two TARDISes separated and took Five and Ten back to their respective timelines. But something went a bit wrong. The Doctors separated. The TARDIS sort of......cloned. Now Five has Ten's TARDIS, and he's about to find out about the Year that Never Was. But why's he in a parallel world, and who is the girl waiting on the beach?

Why:  I think I picked this up on a Rose/Doctor rec list and loved it.  Granted, the first time I read it I was confused because at that time I had only watched the first 2 seasons of Doctor Who, didn't know anything about Doomsday and barely knew about the Fifth doctor.  Then I saw the "Time Crash" segment and Decided to read it again.  It made more sense (although it did make sense the first time too).

Its just generally a good story, and it takes a look at season 3 and trys to find a way to correct some things without outright making them not happening.

doctor who, ficrec

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