Jun 08, 2007 21:55
Ok, slight rant here.
Artistic nudes, yes :D good lighting, beautiful photography (good looking subjects always help to)
-I'm all for it, I like nakedness as much as the next person ;)(as anyone who knows me well enough will tell you) but its starting to get ridiculous how many people (girls *and* guys) seem to want to push their tits/arse/gentials in my face all over the internet.
I'm all with being proud of yourself and your body, but after the millionth time, it's really just attention seeking "oh purrrlleaaseee tell me how hot I am, before I explode and video myself masturbating and post it on youtube"
Call me a prude but anyone who gets their meat out for all to see and is flagrantly begging for someone to comment telling them how much they'd like to come in their face, really doesn't hold any mystery or attraction for me, what ever happened to the thrill of the chase!?
Plus these people aren't even vaguely alluring! Maybe if they actually had any sort of sex appeal bar a kind of pitiful desparation, I'd be more interested! But it's like watching those half starved scabby city pidgeons with gammy legs and bleeding sores trying to fluff themselves up and act all seductive to an unimpressed potential mate who is desparately trying to avoid all the unwanted dry humping (in...errr...pidgeon terms?) and it's getting SO OLD.
Have some dignity pleeaasseee people, you just give off the idea that if I touched you you might be slightly sticky and that really isn't pleasant.
p.s I'm all for and enjoy artistic nudity, amusing nudity, blatently pornographic nudity etc just not all up in my face all the time when I'm least expecting it. Some things REALLY should come with a health warning.
Ok, I'm done, can you tell I'm drunk. I might even watch Big Brother. No wait, it's ok, not quite gone that far yet.