Arm of the Catholic Church to provide Government-supported pregnancy "advice"

Jan 03, 2007 20:57


The decision to award a government pregnancy counselling contract to the Catholic church is an example of continued bias toward anti-abortion groups, Australian Democrats senator Natasha Stott-Despoja says.

Centacare, the Catholic church's health and welfare arm, has reportedly won part of the federal government's $51 million pregnancy counselling contract aimed at reducing the number of abortions in Australia.

Senator Stott-Despoja says women have the right to transparent information when deciding on issues of pregnancy and advice offered by the Catholic church would not be transparent.

"I await with interest the announcement today,'' Senator Stott-Despoja said.

"If the Government is committed to a diverse range of agencies being involved in the counselling process, then the remaining funds should be awarded to genuinely non-directive and dedicated counselling services: those that do provide information and referral on all three options.

"Those options are clear: keeping the child; having a termination; or adopting the child.''

Health Minister Tony Abbott was expected make the formal announcement at his electorate office at 11.30am (AEDT) today.

No anti-abortion lecture: Abbott

This morning he defended the decision, saying there would be safeguards in place to ensure no one accessing the service was lectured on the perceived evils of abortion.

"It's not the philosophy of the organisation providing the counselling that is important, it's the professionalism,'' Mr Abbott told ABC Radio today.

"There will be various monitoring mechanisms put in place for this helpline and if anyone thinks they are being lectured to ... there'll be a mechanism in place for reporting that and for action to be taken.''

The contract was awarded to Centacare, the church's health and welfare arm.

'Non-judgmental' advice

"Centacare professionals have been able to do this non-judgmentally, non-directively for decades,'' Mr Abbott said.

News of the participation of the Catholic church, which opposes abortion, is likely to upset critics who believe religious groups should not be involved in abortion counselling.

During debate on the abortion rate last year, Mr Abbott said 100,000 abortions a year was too many and should be reduced, and Prime Minister John Howard announced a four-year scheme to offer pregnancy counselling through Medicare.


Well. If we needed any more proof that the separation of the church and state is non existant, here it is.
I just want to know - how can a religious organisation ensure there are safeguards to prevent bias? Isn't the basis of their organisation to provide support and advice through the Catholic belief systems?
There's a reason I won't work for many religious organisations with social work. Part of the requisite for working there is following the principles of the faith.
I'd love to know your thoughts.
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