Mar 21, 2005 10:30
Wow, so just the short walk from my car parked in hillside to isat wore me out today. Class went by so slowly. Then I had to walk from isat to the computer lab I'm currently at and I wasn't sure I was going to make it here. My world just kinda spins and I feel tired. I've decided to do the unthinkable. I'm going to skip group. I know! I really really really don't want to. This week was going to be an important week for us. But there's the career fair and I just know I won't have the energy to go meet potential employeers if I have to be on campus until 3 and then go home, change and go to the fair. Granted they all pretty much know everything anyway, still, I don't like missing it. *pouts*
Oh geeze, and I have to write a paper tonight. Fabulous. It's probably going to be one of the worst rough drafts I've ever turned in, but she'll have to get over that because I'm sick. And I'm doing the panel tomorrow. So maybe she'll give me extra credit?! Who am I kidding. At least it's just a rough draft. And I'll have all night to write it.
I was trying so hard not to wish my senior year away, but with all the work I have right now I find myself wishing away the weeks. Or if a good weekend is coming up, I just want the week to hurry up for the weekend. I don't want to wish it all away, I want to enjoy it. There's just so much to do, I want to hang out with my friends, but I have homework. I want to do well this semester, though I am pretty much just focused on passing my classes right now.
Okay, well I'm going to go print off my paper and do the crossword for a little before class. Oh and it's time for more meds! yay meds!