Happy New Year - an update for those who care :)

Jan 03, 2008 12:04

Life continues in a head-scratching fashion. 2 steps forward in one area, a few back in another - isn't it always the way?

Love life -
I can't even tell anymore, but I think it's going well. It's not going badly, that's for certain, but it's a bit untidy to really tell where it's all at.

Business -
I am being forced to let go of some OLD habits in order to grow into the possibilities before me. I have a lot to learn and much to gain in the process. Sometimes it's hard... but it will all be worth it. Nothing worth having comes easy, after all, and so I continue to roll up my sleeves and get down to it.

Emotionally -
I'm a little tired. The holidays hit a little hard this year, throwing the gap between what I have and what I want into sharp relief. And while I know that this is a necessary stage in development, I can't wait to be past it and into the stage where I enjoy the fruits of my labour. I see results in a few areas and try my best to hang onto the faith that the same will be true across the board some day... hopefully some day SOON.

I've been single for too damned long, and while I have learned that there just isn't a way for me to lower my standards, it's frigging exhausting. My self-imposed celibacy is 'challenging' and yet - I'm happy with the choice. But as anyone who knows me can attest - I just don't know how to take the easy path.

All or nothing: that's all I really understand.

May this posting find you all in good health and indomitable spirits. Health, wealth & happiness to you all for 2008.
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