Sorry it took me so long to continue, because I know you were on pins and needles for my next installment * insert eye roll emoticon *.
Let me get the bit about the bits over with. Dan’s bits: he has them, all of the necessary ones in the proper places. If you want to see bits in general, Google them up. If you want to see Dan’s bits in specific, go see Equus.
Dysart gets a letter from Alan who admits that everything he said on the tape recorder was in fact true and that he understands why he is in the hospital. Dysart decides to have an evening session with Alan and sends for him.
Dysart begins the session by explaining to Alan that all his therapeutic techniques are tricks, but are tricks that work. He then breaks out the placebo, Alan swallows it and the two wait for the drug to work. Very funny moment when Dysart teases that Alan will see about a hundred snakes as the drug kicks in. Visions of Slytherins danced through my thoughts…
After being convinced that the ‘drug’ will cause him to only speak the truth, Alan begins recall details about Jill. 1970s psychobabble alert: The girl is the product of a broken home/abandoned by her father/her mother hates men. This means, of course, that the Jill has secret dates and is easy.
So easy that she convinces Alan that the two of them should go see a porn flick. Very funny moment when Alan initially turns her down and insists it is because his parents ‘expect him.’ Oh and she makes passing remarks about how she finds boy’s eyes sexy and that she wonders if Alan thinks horse’ eyes were sexy as she has seen him staring into Nugget’s eyes. This unnerves Alan and he vehemently denies it.
Another funny moment when Alan wants to stop talking and Dysart urges him on because he wants to here about the porn movie.
So Alan begins to describe the movie and seems really excited until…
His dad walks in and starts to call his name. Hilariousness ensues again as Alan says fuck. I don’t know why every time Dan said fuck we all laughed, but there it is. Anyhow, Alan, his dad and Jill end up waiting at the bus stop together. And, what I think was the funniest line in the whole play happens when Alan says, “The bus wouldn’t come!”
When the bus comes along, Alan insists on seeing Jill home because “It’s proper.” I melted a little hearing our little Dan all grown up. Le sigh!
Jill decides that she and Alan need to have a little private time. Apparently the combo of the porn flick and Alan’s utter humiliation at being discovered by his father fueled her all ready out of control sex drive. In the meantime, Alan realizes that his father is just a pathetic man with a pathetic life.
Of course, they go to the barn. Alan doesn’t want the horses to see him with Jill so she shuts the stall doors. Then, they play a game of ‘you show me yours…’
My most gushy fantasy moment came when Dan said; “She put her mouth in mine. It was lovely.” I know, I know. Very serious, very poignant moment but OMG!
Alan attempts sex with Jill and fails because of the horses. She tries to make him feel better saying it was fine, it happens, but he was distraught because he couldn’t touch her without thinking of the horses.
Alan threatens Jill not to tell, raises the hoof pick and she runs away, swearing she won’t tell anyone.
It is hard to really define the rest of the play as it happens in a whirl of lights, sounds, emotion and choreography. I will just give you the basics because it is all so raw.
Dysart leads Alan through the realization that Equus is a jealous god that will always be watching him. Since Alan doesn’t want to have his ‘god’ see him in a compromising situation, he blinds his god and wishes for his own death.
Alan ends up in Dysart’s arms sobbing. The doctor promises to cure the boy, while telling the audience that this is all a lie. While Alan may be put back to ‘right’ he will lose the essence of what he is. The doctor is clearly torn as to the correctness of this.
And that is where the play ends.
Next up, the last installment where I will talk about the charity auctions after each show, the view from Row 6 and wrap up my amazing journey.
Last Up - Why oh why can’t fandom meet ups last forever???