Nov 24, 2004 23:50
It has been so long since I have updated this thing. Actually, it has been over a year i think. Well anyways...It is Thanksgiving and I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life. I dont know what I would do without the love and support from all my family and friends and especially Brian.
The past year has been the best year of my life. Brian and I are obviously still together and getting even better each and every day. I cant believe this is already going to be my second thanksgiving (even though he wont be with me all day) with him and christmas too. Time definetly flies when you are having fun. We have looked at rings but it is still going to be awhile for a proposal. We just arent ready because of finances and things like that. Although we have both slipped from time to time and referred to eachother as our finace. We pretty much are anyways...and it is easier than saying my boyfriend who I serious about and have plans to marry someday.
In other news the semester is killing me. Although I am excited it will be done is just a few weeks, I am freaking out because of the 3 research papers I have to do before then. I will definetly be in relief as soon as this semester is over. It was really hard because I took 3 literature classes so I constantly have reading to do. Plus, I also am working alot more this semester than I ever have. I never have a day where I am not working or have class most of the day. But, I will get through it and everything will be fine I am sure. I cant believe I only have one more semester and then I will be student teaching. It will definetly be a kick in the butt to the real world. Of course, the only crappy part is come July I have to move back to my parents house. I cant afford to live anywhere else without their support, and once my lease is up they arent going to give me money to live somewhere else any more. I am not sure how it is going to work. I do know it is going to be hard on Brian and me for sure. It will just be a big change with being so far away. We definetly wont be able to see eachother as much as we do now. I guess I am still going to teach at the dance studio one night a week. I need I think it would be extremely hard to stop. I love teaching at the studio. The girls are so much fun, and it doesnt even seem like work.
Okay I need to get going. Happy Thanksgiving!