Like I needed proof...

Aug 04, 2007 00:59

Just got home from the Wierd Al concert. The man is great and insane in all ways possible. He *and his band* changed costumes every set or so, so that they looked like the band they were parodying. There were clips he'd made where he took interviews done by other music artists (in which they made fools of themselves) that he recut and added himself to as if he was doing the interview, and they were priceless. Then there was just the sheer awesome of the concert; he did a lot of my favorites (including White and Nerdy, Amish Paradise, The Saga Begins...). At one point, he broke into Hawaiian for five minutes. And few things are as cool in a weird way as seeing a man rock out with an accordian.

I didn't get to see him very close, but what I *did* see, he still looks the same as he did in everything I've seen him in. I don't even know how long the man has been performing, but it has to be at least twenty years. I see this as proof of my theory that doing what you love is good for you; in every case I can think of, as long as the performer liked, even loved what they were doing, every single performance was awesome. On like an epic scale. And Wierd Al clearly loves what he does.

The concert also seems to support my theory that large events can generate huge amounts of positive energy that are almost visible. You may laugh, but I've never had an experience like the one I had during the last set, when a hundred and fifty people were screaming the lyrics of Albuqurque along with Wierd Al, and laughing at the same time. I don't know if I ever will again, but there was something there. For ten minutes, everything was right. I suppose it sounds corny, but there it is.


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