The Spiral is Gonna EAT Me!

Mar 21, 2006 16:08

Oh God... the crackage that went on this weekend. Okay, first of all, I drove down to Atlanta Sunday and met up with people at Momocon. I was only there for a few hours, but I hung out with various peoples (part of the cosplay group I sometimes work with, and oddly enough, Ranger, whom I totally did not expect.) I had my Mega-Pixie Stik (well, the half-finished version of it), which is always fun. (I also decided to make a Pixie-Stik Gun, but that is entirely besides the point.) I love the weapons my Crack avatar has. There was a karaoke (sp?) contest, that I randomly entered, and didn't embarass myself too much. I was forced to beat the guy who ultimately won the competetion with the Pixie Stik. Then there was some random chaos, and then we left. Atlanta tried to eat us. That was interesting. Doom and I went back to her house (discovering in the process that we eat almost exactly the same stuff.)

Then there was the horror movies. (Blockbuster rocks my world.) Nightmare on Elm Street, which I hadn't seen, much to Doom's shock (and I have since discovered I love.) The Abominable Dr. Phibes, which Doom hadn't seen, because Vincent Price is a tiny god. And then Uzamaki, which neither of us had seen. Dear God, that's a freaky movie, but I recommend it to anyone who likes horror. The Spiral will EAT you... And now I'm paranoid, and seeing spirals everywhere, including a couple of Evil Spirals.

And then we just got fully cracked out, and things got weird. I spent Sunday night, all of Monday, and Monday night over there, and I left this morning to come back home, because I had work. In all of that, we slept maybe nine hours total. (Granted, watching Uzamaki isn't exactly conducive to sleeping.) I fear (yet so look forward to...) what will happen when I kidnap Doom for a week or two once I get my apartment set up. The crack shall be truly impressive.

Oh, and totally unrelated to the crack except that it put me on a sugar high: Doom's mom made chocolate-coffee cheesecake. I have now declared Doom's mom to be a goddess.

... And no. There was really no point to this entire post, except I felt like rambling.


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