Random Thoughts on Final Fantasy IX

Sep 16, 2007 15:51

Mostly because I've just been playing it for several hours. Yes, I'm aware that very few of the already few people who pay attention to this will get it. Yes, I'm also aware that I can't really *say* much, since I'm still only on the second disc. Do I care? Of course not.

Kuja is too damn pretty to really be a man. And apparently he has a young female friend or relative he shares clothes with.

Queen Brahne is an evil, evil bitch, and I wish for her to die a nasty, painful death. The fact that she is the *ugliest* damn woman in the world merely compounds her offenses.

Quina, and to a larger extent, all of the Qu's are either the product of someone's acid trip, or the result of "AGH! We have ten minutes to the deadline and we still need another playable character! Quick! Someone draw anything!" I can think of no other explanation.

I think FFIX is the game that has, so far, had the biggest amount of psychological trauma per head ever. I mean, when eighty percent of your party is visibly in shock, and the only reason the other twenty percent aren't is because they don't yet know how bad it really is, you start wondering, how much more can these people take? Not, of course, to say I don't like where this is going.

Zorn and Thorn must DIE. End of discussion.

Black Waltz #3 is a surprisingly persistent lil bugger.

Overleveling is my friend.

I wish, I wish, I wish I could keep Beatrix as a party member. She kicks all and major ass.

The Ragtime Mouse disturbs the hell out of me.

And, on an unrelated note, if you don't care about FFIX, check out Baccano!. You should watch it.

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