Review time!

Sep 14, 2003 20:08

For no reason other than to aggravate your otherwise functioning and well-greased brain, I now present:

Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
A Review by Mostly Awake, Mostly Incoherent Ms Thana Eruul

*SPOILERS ABOUND* (I just have to tell you about all the truly stellar aspects which all involve the *ahem* plot)

Where do I begin? The completely implausible opening? Okay.

The setting: a Communist (yep, you heard me. complete with red stars and machine guns) bar (yep, you heard me) in the middle of a compound. Position of each Angel (their names escape me; they're known to me by their idiotic see-through characters):
The 'smart' one (ie Lucy Liu) - curled up in a wooden box in the basement of the bar
The 'ditzy and overly friendly 'stupid' one' (ie Cameron Diaz) - riding one of those bucking bull machines
The 'tomboy' one who likes wearing very revealing clothes and is in no actual way a tomboy (ie Drew Barrymore) - sitting across from Hulking Commie Goon #67, knocking down shots of unidentified cloudy liquid to the cheers of the other Hulking Commie Goons surrounding them

The Point: Unidentified Yet Very Heroic American Prisoner is being held below the bar. They rescue him, managing to commandeer a giant truck, get Weasel-y Commie Commando Armed With Bazooka and tank to blow eachother up, drive off a dam and jettison the truck for the chopper hidden inside

Ah, the utter plausibility of it all ^_^

Anyways, I'm already tired of rehashing it. Let's just sum it up: many skimpy outfits are worn, the bad guys are killed in the end (as well as The Only good character [return of the Thin Man from the first one]) and many bad sex jokes are made.

Worth the two dollars? Sure, why not. It made for a distracting two hours that likely would've been spent capping YGO episodes otherwise, so I'm sure most would vote it Well Spent (except Shavaun, but anything non-YGO related is a waste of time according to her [unless it involves Jackie Chan or one of her other heros, but we won't get into that]).
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